Page 106 - Waiter-Learner Manual (ENGLISH).indd
P. 106
• Guests have more awareness of hygiene and cleanliness.
• Less time is spent on cooking meals at home and there is a corresponding increase
in the use of restaurants as 'home meal' replacement.
• Lifestyle changes with people are travelling more and being exposed to more
types of food and service.
• People have more disposable income; however value for money is still an
important factor.
Food Served
• Fusion food, or the marriage of east and west cuisine, is a trend which emerged
towards the end of the twentieth century, and seems to be here to stay.
• Asian cuisine continues to have a strong influence of the culinary habits of chefs
on a global level.
Remember, all culinary disciplines are being heavily influenced by the consumer's desire
for quality, simplicity and flavour, thus encouraging chefs to go back to respecting the
basic goodness of their own local foods.