Page 29 - Waiter-Learner Manual (ENGLISH).indd
P. 29
2. Pull back curtains and ventilate area, if possible.
3. Look out for lost property and maintenance faults as you work. Deal with these
according to house policy.
4. Clean, using a damp duster:
• Tables
• Chairs
• Dessert trolley/cheese trolley
• Skirting boards
• Paint work
• Glass doors/mirrors
• Sideboards
• Furniture
• Wall fixtures
• Fittings
5. Pay particular attention to:
• Chair and table rungs
• Behind curtains
• Areas you can only see when sitting down
6. Clean any tiled areas.
7. Vacuum carpet.
8. When cleaning is completed, do final quality observations check
2.3.3 Floor Surfaces
Sweeping, Mopping, Wet Mopping and Vacuuming
Make sure the area is cleared first and know what method of cleaning to use in each area.
For example, sweep, mop and wet mop tiled areas, but vacuum carpet areas.
Wet Mopping
To avoid accidents do not use a lot of water when wet mopping. Always display a 'hazard'
sign while working. Mops should be stored upside down in a well-ventilated area in order
to dry.
Vacuum Cleaning (When using a vacuum cleaner)
1. Make sure it has been emptied otherwise the
vacuum cleaner loses its suction.
2. Adjust vacuum cleaner or choose correct
attachments according to floor type.
3. Move furniture so that you can vacuum under
4. Pick up anything large or sharp by hand
before vacuuming.
5. Start vacuuming at farthest point from
door, working backwards. Use slow even
strokes to give suction enough time, to
draw out dust and grit.