Page 251 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
P. 251


               A third group, more experienced with loss than the others, felt this
             deep, searing pain as déjà vu. Parents of kids who had previously died
             of cancer had walked this walk before—though it was no easier to
             experience again. These  parents  could  just lightly touch  Harley's
             parents and glance in their eyes to share the deepest sadness and pain
             that would dwell in their hearts forever. This sharing ignited a feeling
             of tragedy with a realization that parents would continue to lose their
             children to cancer forward on into the future. Their membership in a
             fraternity of grieving cancer-loss parents would continue with part of
             their own existence cut forever from their hearts with such immense
             scarring as they attempt to somehow heal from this tragedy.

               Everyone at Harley's funeral felt the deep loss present in the room
             filled with sorrowful thoughts as they attempted to somehow separate
             this immense grief from deep, fulfilling memories of Harley. How
             could they find a way to move away from such pain, yet never forget
             one moment of joy they felt in their life-enhancing experiences with
             Harley? Everyone seemed to bond together over deep commitment to
             never forget Harley. As proof, they would renew their own efforts to
             match his devotion and service to his causes.

               Harley's family members, emotionally and physically exhausted
             from this ongoing ordeal, witnessed their own feelings of profound
             loss mirrored within the loneliness expressed in the faces of the
             funeral attendees. The family realized the progressing loss that they
             had personally walked through each day since Harley's passing was
             now   magnified   beyond   calculation   in   this   funeral   processional
               The “Harley Memorial” experience would become deeply etched
             in everyone's life experiences. Attendees found it difficult to leave the
             service   and   spent   lingering   time   touching   Harley's   personal
             collections on display beneath his portrait. From a distance, his eyes
             seemed to look down on everyone with love and fellowship. People
             seemed to find some comfort in sharing their thoughts with each other
             after the service. Many lingered on, seemingly unable to move on
             with life following such a great loss.

               Following   the   service,   Beth   commented,   “The   service   was   so
             Harley and I felt good afterwards. I know he was there and loving

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