Page 255 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
P. 255
“All of you are the future of NFB. Going forward, you will be the
ones winning awards and learning Braille music and Nemeth Code.
And you will be the ones with big dreams for technology and
methodologies that will help the blind community not just get by, but
reach their maximum potential. So I want to thank you for letting me
link Harley's legacy with your future and for letting me be with you as
you make a difference. Thank you!”
A few months later, Kevin Fetterman, posted this on social media,
“Eight weeks ago today we lost Harley. I think we’re getting better
and Beth and I purposely force ourselves and each other to focus on
distractions, but sometimes the pain and despair just push through.
We have to reinvent ourselves, Harley’s Mom and Harley’s Dad were
more than just a tag, they were our identities. I got the new tattoo
almost three weeks ago because it felt right (thanks Sizer). I miss him
playing the guitar in the evenings and trying to teach me about
something I’m not smart enough to understand. He was a helluva guy.
Thank God there are some many good memories, pics, videos, etc.
Can’t wait to see you again, buddy…”
Figure 204: Kevin and Beth both have Harley tattoos in
remembrance of Harley.