Page 104 - Face2Face Pre inter
P. 104
Say one noun for these
Make this sentence
quantity phrases. 1 He has to get up early. .. Say eight:
1 a piece of, a bottle of, negative. MOVE BACK .. character adjectives
a pair of TWO SQUARES 2 adjectives to describe
2 a tube of, a packet of, 2 I had to have a degree. feelings
a bar of t= ., __ _ e e e 49
Correct the mistake in
What is the Past Simple
this sentence.
Say six: and past participle of Talk about what
1 She's not enough old 1 types of TV programme mt MOVE FORWARD .. hese verbs? you usually do
to talk. TWO SQUARES
2 non-family relationships 1 write, make, win, see in your free time.
2 We've got too much
2 buy, find, give, take
~~ G> ____
What's the difference
MOVE BACK Talk at:)oUt Y,OUr between these words?
TWO SQUARES FINISH plans for next week 1 lend borrow
or weekefld.
2 steal rob burgle
Make a sentence with Put this sentence into What are the opposites
these words. Say eight: the passive. of these adjectives?
Talk about your
1 yet I told I haven't I I I 1 things you can take 1 Shakespeare wrote 1 patient, selfish, mature, favourite TV or
him . on holiday Hamlet. organised
2 They manufacture
2 helpful, polite, honest,
2 her I She I job I just I 2 phrasal verbs racfio programmes.
's I lost . BMWs in Germany. reliable
t= ~
Which preposition do we Do we use take or get
use after go with these with these words? Tatr< about a
words? 1 exams, headaches, r•tionship MOVE BACK
1 Rome, my boss, holiday stressed, notes betWeen tw0 THREE
2 a tour, a walk, the 2 risks, nervous, people you khow. SQUARES
beach lost, sugar
_ ;J_
Correct the mistake in Do we use for or since
this sentence. with each of these times? What is the correct form
MOVE FORWARD 1 If I'll miss the train, I'll of go after these verbs?
THREE phone you. 1 can, plan, prefer, decide
SQUARES 2 He'll do it when he get 2 forget, enjoy, start, will
~ -- - --..-----~ --* Ci)
Make nouns from these Say the comparatives
Talk about things verbs. Which are jobs? and superlatives.
Say eight:
you uSed to do .1'.. 1 act, collect, improve, MOVE FORWARD ~ boring, rich, good,
1 types of film
when you were ,.....- discuss THREE SQUARES ....- ambitious
2 types of music
a child. 2 assist. decide, clean, 2 polite, tidy, bad,
argue popular
8 ---·~
Correct the mistake in Do we use do, play, go or
this sentence. go to with these words? Talk about your Make two questions
1 I've been to Poland ,6. 1 cards, museums, judo, job, or a job you've about the words in bold. START
in 2009. ..,... cycling done or would like 1 Tom went to Italy.
2 That was a very 2 running, concerts, yoga, to do. 2 Anne wants a new car.
excited film. basketball