Page 99 - Face2Face Pre inter
P. 99

                              Taking risks                                                              Vocabulary  collocations (4):  take and get
                                                                                                        Grammar  second conditional

         QUICK REVIEW  Reported speech  Think of four
         things that other students have told you about
         themselves on this course (or that your family/
         friends have told you recently). Work in pairs.
         Swap information using reported speech: Yoshi
         told me he wanted to learn German.
                                                                                     If I won a bungee jump
                                                                               l    In a competition,

         Vocabulary and Speaking                                                    a  I'd do it. How exciting!
                                                                                     b  I'd say yes if my friend
         Collocations (4): take and get
                                                                                       jumped fi rst.
              a  Fill  in the gaps with take or get. Check in                        c  I wouldn't do it. I'd be
              IUiliffl:li!!fi;tlfl> p1s1 .                                             too frightened.
              1  Do you usually  take  your friends' advice?
              2  Do you          a long time to   _    ready in                       If someone asked me to
                 the morning?                                                    2  hold a snake,
              3  Do you ever         lost?                                            a  I wouldn't do it. I'd
              4  Do you often         headaches?                                        run away!
              5  Do you          sugar in coffee?                                     b  I'd do it. Why not?
              6  Did you         any exams last year?                                 c  I'd do it, but only if
                                                                                        the snake wasn't
              7  Do you          stressed easily?
              8  Do you always          notes in class?
              9  When you do your homework, do you usually
                         all the answers right?

             1 o  Do you always         it easy on holiday?                          If someone offered to
             11  Do you often         colds in winter?                          3  hypnotise me,
             12  Do you ever         risks or are you always                         a  I'd ask my friend to
                 very careful?                                                          try it first.
                                                                                      b  I'd say yes
              b  Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
              in 1a. Ask follow-up questions if possible.
                                                                                      c  I'd definitely say no.

         Reading and Speaking

              Work in groups. Discuss these questions.                                If someone offered me
              1  When was the last time you did something exciting                    $1,000 to get a tattoo,
                 or unusual? What was it? Did you enjoy it?                           a  I'd do it.
              2  Would you like to do it again? Why?/Why not?                         b  I'd do it, but only for
              3  What exciting or unusual things would you like to
                                                                                     c  I wouldn't do it.
                 do in the future?

              a  Look at the cards from the game Risk-taker.
              Try to match these words/phrases to the cards.
                                                                                    If someone asked me
                a snake    hypnotise someone
                                                                               5 to be on a reality TV
                a cheat    a bungee jump
                sing in public   a tatto·o
                                                                                    a  I'd say yes immediately.
                                                                                    b  I'd definitely say no.
              b  Look at the Risk-taker cards again. Choose
                                                                                    c  I'd talk to my friends
              the correct answers for you.
                                                                                       first and take their
                                                                                       advice .

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