Page 61 - Face2Face Pre inter
P. 61
Vocabulary phrases with go
Wish you \Nere here Skills Reading and Listening:
a travel magazine article
QUICK REVIEW Quantity phrases Work in
pairs. Tell your partner what you usually have The world's most
in your: fridge, kitchen cupboards, bag, wallet.
In my fridge there's usually some cheese,
a few eggs and a lot of milk. Do you usually unusual hotels
have similar things?
In our search to find the world's most unusual hotels,
we sent Sophie Nichols to spend a night in Hostel Celica
Reading and Listening in Slovenia, while Craig Evans visited the Magic Mountain
hotel in Chile. Here are our travel writers' reports.
Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
1 When was the last time you stayed in a hotel?
Hostel Celica
2 Where was the hotel? Why were you there?
3 Did you enjoy staying at this hotel? Why?/
Why not? When I heard my next job was to
stay in a prison, I was a bit worried I
a Work in pairs. Try to put these words/ But in fact Hostel Celica, in Ljubljana,
phrases into three groups: activities (A), the Slovenia, isn't a prison any more - now
natural world (N) and buildings/rooms (B). Then it's a very popular place to stay. It has
check your answers with your teacher. a good restaurant and a friendly bar
and it often has art exhibitions. All the
a botanic garden N rafting a volcano rooms are basic but comfortable and
• • •
a hostel a waterfall a hot spring each one was designed by a different
a prison cell snowboarding artist. It felt strange sleeping in a prison
a massage a castle a sauna cell, but I could understand why everyone loves this unusual place
and I can personally recommend cell 107!
b Read the first paragraph of the article and
There are lots of things to do in and around the wonderful city of
look at the photos. Do you think the words/
Ljubljana. You can go to the old castle and listen to a concert. You
phrases in 2a are in the text about Hostel
can go on a boat trip on the river and visit the botanic gardens. Or
Celica, the Magic Mountain hotel, or both?
why not just go sightseeing - this city is full of beautiful buildings
Work in two groups. Group A, read about and bridges. And those looking for adventure can go on a day trip to
Hostel Celica. Group B, read about the Magic Bled, a small town in the mountains, and go rafting down the Sava
Mountain hotel. Find the answers to these river. Or if you want to stay in Ljubljana, then go to the Atlantis
questions. Water Park and go swimming in one of its sixteen pools. I went
there for a swim, a sauna and a massage. That seemed the best
1 What is unusual about the hostel/hotel?
thing to do after a night in prison!
2 What can you do near the hostel/hotel?
3 How many rooms are there? Hostel Celica has twenty rooms and they cost around €30 a night.
May to September are the warmest months, but in winter there's
4 How much does it cost per night?
excellent skiing just one hour from Ljubljana.
5 When is a good time to go there?
a Work with a student from the other group.
Ask and answer the questions in 3 .
b & 38 Read and listen to the texts.
Check your partner's answers.
Work in the same pairs. Discuss these questions.
1 What was the most interesting thing about your
partner's hostel/hotel?
2 What's the best thing to do near your partner's
3 Which place is better for a holiday, do you think?