Page 14 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine Stelly Special Ed 2022
P. 14

Jennifer Stelly- Memory Lane

                                         I grew up fish-       •  Lake Area Lady Anglers   1993-2000
                                         ing with my           •  Lady Bass Anglers Association   2010 -
                                         parents, both of          present
                                         which loved to
                                         fish and hunt.        My greatest accomplishments during that
                                         We lived within  time was with Bass n Her Style and fishing
                                         10 miles of won- with Lynette Branch from Texas. We be-
                                         derful saltwater  came close friends

                                         and freshwater        during the Bass n
                                         lakes and only a  Gal days and de-
     short drive to the Gulf of Mexico.                        cided to team up
                                                               for a few tourna-
     During the summer we would tent camp on                   ments.  In the two
     public land at Toledo Bend and fish for bass,             years we finished
     bream, and crappie.                                       with 2- 1st place
                                                               finishes. 3 - 2nd
     A close friend of mine was fishing the Bass n             place and 1- 3rd
     Gal Trail during the late 80’s and invited me             place.  Numerous
     to go with her and hang out and prefish with              big bass awards.

     her.  Needless to say, I was hooked.  Not just            On that team trail
     on the fishing, but the comradery and friend-             I became even closer friends with Secret
     ships that were developing.  I joined Bass n                                      York, Jan Hudson, Rhon-
     Gal and started as a non-boater.                                                  da Usery and Jan Heav-
                                                                                       ener, just to name a few.
     In 1993, I bought my first bass boat. It was a                                    The jokes and pranks we
     brand new Express, 18.5 foot with a 115HP                                         pulled at the hotels and
     Yamaha.                                                                           all the storytelling about
                                                                                       the day’s events were

     After a couple of years, 1996 to be exact, I                                      wild. Even though we live
     was given a deal with Bass Cat Boats and still                                    hundreds of miles apart I
     run them today.                                                                   consider you family.
                                                                  Rhonda Usery
     Through those years I have fished several cir-
     cuits both individual and team trails.

     •  Bass n Gals  1990 –2000
     •  Women’s Bass Fishing Association  1999 -
     •  Women’s Bass Master Tour

     •  Bass n Her Style Team Trail  1999-2001
     •  Military Bass Anglers Assoc.
                                                                  Secret York          Jan Hudson        Jan Heavener

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