Page 15 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine Stelly Special Ed 2022
P. 15
Although my biggest bass wasn’t caught Thank you Cheryl Bowden and Secret York
during a tournament my personal best is cur- for giving us a chance to continue fishing
rently an 8# -12oz bass caught in Mexico. after WBT.
For 30+ years I would consider each of these I need to give credit to the ones who enabled
women close friends. Some I am closer me to enjoy and to live this dream life.
to than others, but some have become my
idols. Not necessarily for their ability to fish, Mom and Dad, my first husband Wayne, my
but the ability to fish in horrible conditions, children, Marty, and Kristen, who gave up
sometimes battling mental a lot so that I could go fishing. Rhonda and
and/or physical illness. Most Jimmy Usery. But most of all, my husband
of us had children and fami- Frank, for being the best “bass caddy” a per-
lies at home and we were on son could ask for.
the road. Pam Martin Wells
you are my hero!!!
In June of 2020, during
the pandemic, Lisa John-
son called me and invited me to fish a team
tournament on Kentucky Lake. I took it as
an opportunity to fish with one of the great-
est, professional women anglers I had ever
known. It was the best tournament of my
life. Not only did we smoke the other teams
on day one, we ended up with 25.40 # total
and big bass of 4.41#. I not only had fun, but
I went into that tournament wanting to learn
something new. And I got a lesson from one
of the best. Thank you, Lisa!
Lady Bass Anglers Association 15