Page 20 - Lady Bass Anglers Digital Magazine July 2023
P. 20

How to Fizz Your Fish

     Fishing like most things in life can contain things that   to release some of the excess air and pressure in the swim-
     can be considered debatable or controversial. Depending   bladder of the fish. Multiple fishery experts have weighed
     on who you talk to, their experiences and backgrounds,    in on fizzing and through their expertise and research,
     fizzing fish can be one of those things. I am not here to   show that fizzing is beneficial to the fish. The information
     debate or be controversial. I am simply sharing some      shared comes as a culmination of their research and
     information that you can take or leave regarding the care   information shared by credible sources. Do I personally
     of fish that are experiencing “the bends”. ore technically   know that it works? From my experiences with multi-
     hyper-buoyant, hyper-buoyancy or barotrauma. Regardless  day events, it does. If you have ever been to tournaments
     of the term you associate with it, the fish is in distress and   where at the end of the weigh in and the fish are released
     without addressing this, the fish will ultimately die.    along the shore and witnessed dead fish floating? I am not
                                                               saying that all of those instances are fish that should have
     How does this distress occur. This occurs when a fish     been fizzed, but in multi day events where fish have been
     from a depth of 15’ or deeper is caught and brought to    fizzed to address barotrauma, I see very few if any dead
     the surface before their swim bladder can balance out
     the adjust to the change in pressure. Even catching a fish
     in 3’-5’ or so of water can encounter this kind of distress
     if deep water is nearby. That fish may have charged up
     to attack your bait from depth with the plan of go right
     back down to the deeper water. Unbenounced to them,
     your technique hooked them. If you are not tournament
     fishing and releasing the fish shortly after catching them,
     they will return to deep water and are none the worse
     for the adventure. But if you are tournament fishing and
     you drop them in your live-well, that becomes a different
     situation. Check your fish regularly. If any are starting to
     turn on their side, or upside down, that is a sign they are
     experiencing barotrauma. By this point, simply releasing
     them does not help. The tension on the swim bladder       fish in and around the release area.
     is too great and without help, they cannot equalize the   Is fizzing largemouth and small-mouth bass the same? Yes
     pressure.                                                 and no. The locations of the swim-bladder are very close,
                                                               but with some slight variations. As such I will show images
                                                               for both species using the side method. There is also a
                                                               cruncher method. I am not as versed or comfortable with
                                                               that method, but it will still be shared.

                                                               The materials you will need are simple and can be
                                                               purchased from most tackle retailers or you may go
                                                               to your local farm and ranch store to purchase. The
                                                               purchased fizzing kit includes a fizzing needle with tube.
                                                               The farm and ranch version is a syringe with no plunger.
                                                               Both options are shown below, but are not to scale.

                                                                The kit needle is approximately the same length as the
                                                               syringe in the second image. Each, after used needs to have
                                                               any debris removed before storing or using again.  This
                                                               can be done by blowing through them or using a smaller
                                                               needle to help push out any debris.
     Fizzing is the term used when a 16-18 gauge needle is used

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