Page 40 - QW-3063
P. 40
Need More Reasons To
Celebrate This Month
December 1st - Eat a Red Apple Day is t oday. Does anybody write letters anymore!? When was
We hope you eat an apple today, and every day. the last time you wrote a letter to someone, either
Apples are delicious. Apples are nutritious. That's printed or in cursive? .......I thought so.
a great combination. Apples date back to the
December 7t h - Pearl Harbor Day.
garden of Eden. In that garden, the Bible tells us it
Commemorates the Japanese attack on the U.S.
was the "Forbidden fruit".
Naval base at Pearl Harbor. The attack began at
December 2nd - Nat ional Frit t ers Day. Before dawn December 7, 1941. It crippled the U.S.
you can begin to celebrate this very important Pacific Fleet, and caused the U.S. to enter World
day, you need to know what a "fritter" is. Many War II.
people do not know, making it all the more fun to
December 8t h - Nat ional Brownie Day.
eat your first fritter today. A fritter is a fried cake
Celebrates chocolatey, chewy brownies. Brownie
or dough with fruit or meats inside.
lovers, love chocolate. Conversely, chocolate
December 3rd - Nat ional Roof Over Your Head lovers, love brownies. Therefore, its only natural,
Day. It is a day of appreciation for the things we that we have a special day to celebrate brownies.
have, starting with the roof over our heads.
December 9t h - Christ mas Card Day. Today is a
December 4t h - Sant a's List Day. Have you been good day to send out your Christmas cards and
good all year? Have you been Naughty? Or, have holiday greetings. If you have yet to do so, use
you been nice? Santa knows. Thanks to the hard today to get a start.
work of his elves, Santa Claus has two lists. The
December 9t h - Nat ional Past ry Day A fun day,
short list contains the names of a few children
created to encourage you to make, and of course
who have been naughty. A much longer list is
eat, your favorite pastries. On National Pastry
filled with the names of children who have been
Day, well known pastry chefs put on a show,
good all year long.
making and displaying their finest creations.
December 5t h - Bat ht ub Part y Day. Draw
December 10t h - Human Right s Day. This day
yourself a bath tub full of warm water. Add a few
was created by the United Nations and promotes
bath oil beads, and Voila! You're ready to hop in
awareness of the importance of Human Rights
and "soak it" in the bathtub. Ahh, how soothing
issues around the world. On this date in 1948, the
and relaxing! Don't let anything disturb the peace,
UN General Assembly adopted the Universal
quiet, and serenity of your bath. Turn off your cell
Declaration of Human Rights.
phone. Put on your favorite CDs to a volume
where you can't hear the doorbell ring. December12t h - Point set t ia Day. These
beautiful flowers are a well-recognized symbol of
December 5t h - Repeal Day. It commemorates
Christmas. Poinsettia Day was officially declared
the repeal of the 18th Amendment. Once more,
by an Act of Congress. It is in honor of Joel
Americans were free to buy, sell, and consume
Roberts Poinsett, who died on December 12,
alcoholic beverages. I'll drink to that!
1851. Poinsett was the first Ambassador to
December 7t h - Let t er Writ ing Day. Take a few Mexico . Poinsett brought this colorful plant back
minutes, and send someone a hand written letter. to his plantation in the U.S. He grew the plants in