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Need More Reasons To

                          Celebrate This Month

         us!" And, that means you, too. So...........            time to spend an hour or so playing cards with
                                                                 family and friends. And, it arrives at just the
         Happy Festivus for the Restivus!
                                                                 perfect time of year........ a few days after
         December 24t h - Nat ional Egg Nog Day.                 Christmas. The holiday hustle and bustle is over.
         National Egg Nog Day comes but once a year.  It         The kids are getting bored of their new toys. It's
         celebrates a special, traditional holiday drink. It is   time to turn to card games for a calmer, relaxing,
         consumed with or without Rum. The timing                and more slow-paced form of fun and
         couldn't be any better-- the day before                 entertainment.
         Christmas--- Christmas Eve!
                                                                 December 30t h - Bacon Day celebrates crispy
         December 25t h - Nat ional Pumpkin Pie Day. It's        strips of salted pork...Bacon! This is a day to
         one of America's favorite pies. Pumpkin pie is          thoroughly enjoy bacon at every meal. Snack time,
         steeped in holiday tradition. The peak                  too. It is recommended that you enjoy bacon
         consumption period for pumpkin pie begins at            today in social gatherings. So, go ahead, and have
         the fall harvest, and lasts all the way through to      a bacon party!!
         the Christmas meal and dessert.
                                                                 December 31st  - Make Up Your Mind Day is a
         December 26t h - Boxing Day is celebrated in            very decisive day. All during the year, you've put
         England, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and             on hold, many issues and decisions. Eventually,
         other former British commonwealth countries. It         they need to be resolved and decided upon. Well,
         is a legal holiday in these countries. This is also St.   today is the day. It's not a day to procrastinate. It's
         Stephans Day, where Boxing Day gets some of it's        not a day to put off making a decision. If you are
         roots. On St. Stephans' Day, churches opened            going to make up your mind this year, you'd
         their collection boxes to the poor. Boxing Day was      better do it real soon.
         an expression of appreciation and thanks, much
                                                                 December 31st  - New Year 's Eve is when all the
         like Christmas tips are today.
                                                                 fun and festivities are. We see out the old year
         December 27t h - Nat ional Fruit cake Day               and ring in the new. While it is often thought of as
         celebrates the rock hard, fruit filled holiday cake.    a time to drink and be merry, many people take it
         While fruitcake was popular in the 40's and 50's,       as an opportunity to eat and be merry.
         we are not sure if anyone has ever eaten this
                                                                 December 31st  - Unlucky Day is today. We
         weighty, gooey, sugar laden cake.
                                                                 sincerely hope it's not unlucky for you. It will be
         Scientists have been unable to penetrate deeply         unlucky for some people. It seems fitting that
         into a fruitcake, and therefore, have failed to         Unlucky Day is the last day of the year. You get
         uncover its exact composition. Its density has also     the chance to get all the bad things out of the
         hampered their ability to use carbon dating to          way, so next year will be happy, healthy and
         identify the age of a fruitcake. Unconfirmed            prosperous.
         rumors suggest that some fruitcake are hundreds
         of years old.

         December 28t h - Card Playing Day is the perfect
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