Page 44 - QW-3063
P. 44

Why You Should Re-plan Your Goals Every 6 Mont hs?

        There was a time when five-year plans were all the      the engineering profession. For the first four to
        rage. But that was when workers can still count on      five years, the engineer` s plan will be broken into
        signing up with a company for life. In the              two major periods. The first two years will be
        warp-speed world of technology, five years is an        learning key technical training and after that the
        eternity. So how is one supposed to map out             engineer will be placed in the field for a couple of
        one` s career when the business landscape is            years. The engineer should take advantage of all
        always changing?                                        opportunities to try out different aspects of
                                                                engineering during these five years. After this
        First ly, a plan is useless but  planning is st ill
                                                                incubation period, the engineer would need to be
        essent ial. Instead of a five-year plan, try
                                                                flexible and able to chart his own course, even into
        formulating a five-year vision. In that way, workers
                                                                overseas countries with strong career growth
        can chart a course they would like to follow. For
        example, today I am on the team; in two years, I
        would like to be managing it; in three years, I         Fourt hly, workers should make t heir plans
        would like to be relocated to build a new team in a     increment al and somewhat  aggressive. This is
        new market; and in five years, I would like to be       very much the case in creative fields such as
        coordinating a group of international teams. Just       design and architecture. Creative people are
        keep in mind that the course will almost certainly      expected to do rather than wait to be told what to
        change.                                                 do. But even the most creative businesses are
                                                                businesses at heart. So, a career plan for a
        Secondly, workers should not  confine t heir
                                                                designer or decorator should include delving into
        career project ions wit hin t he framework of
                                                                the business side of projects.
        t heir current  companies as t hey did previously.
        Instead, they should understand that while it is        In general, workers must first decide what specific
        beneficial to set a goal of being a supervisor in five   path they wish to take, and then proceed down
        years, you might need to move to another                that road ambitiously, scooping up opportunities
        company in another country to achieve it.               when they appear. Long-term plans can be used as
        Construct a portfolio of your achievements and          guides, but they become folly if they are followed
        market yourself by including your personal goals        rigidly.
        along with your career goals. It is important to
                                                                Set  your goals. Map out  a plan. Creat e a vision.
        include financial planning, as one cannot rely on
                                                                Then six mont hs lat er, be ready t o ret hink
        employers`  plans to manage one` s money.
                                                                t hose goals.
        Thirdly, workers should ident ify
        employment -relat ed charact erist ics regardless
        of ot her fact ors. The key to planning is for
        workers to upgrade their own skills and stay
        relevant in the job market. This applies strongly to
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