Page 15 - 2017-2018 Class Catalog
P. 15

History & Government

            •  AZ History- (open to 3rd through 6th grades) The Arizona Story introduces students to the concepts of history
               and geography as well as the tools for investigation and interpreting Arizona history. This textbook uses
               multimedia and primary sources to teach content. Required Text: The Arizona Story Textbook Teacher: Jackie
               Satterfield Recommended Donation of $10 per weekly class

            •  Honors US Government and Economics- (high school) United States Government is a course that focuses on the
               fundamental concepts and practices of the American and Arizona systems of government. Course content will
               include an examination of the political process, political ideologies, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the
               branches of government, as well as rights and responsibilities of individuals in our government system. Students
               will also explore current issues at the local, state, national, and global levels and will primarily apply their
               understanding of concepts. Economics is a a course that focuses on a greater understanding of economics
               ranging from the viewpoint of the individual consumer or business owner (microeconomics) to the national and
               global economy (macroeconomics). The course will address the laws of supply and demand, forms of business,
               measurement of the national economy, federal government finances, government influence on the economy,
               money and prices, inflation and deflation, as well as personal finance. The course also relates history and politics
               to the study of economics. Normally these classes are taught in semesters, each being separate. However, Dr.
               Moody will be teaching this as a year-long course as all the information works together. Government Text:
               Barron's AP US Government & Politics, Economics Text: to be determined Teacher: Ed Moody Recommended
               Donation of $10 per weekly class

            •  Honors World Geography- (High School)“Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you
               get neither.” -
               C.S. Lewis “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) To help keep God focused at
               the center of our lives we study His first act of creation – the earth! Romans 1:20 says that “since the creation of

               the world, God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been CLEARLY seen, being
               understood from what has been MADE…” To know and understand geography is to address the heart’s desire to
               know and understand God.
               Students will focus on first the United States, then the remaining global regions and study their; location, regions,
               natural resources, climates and weather patterns and God’s ecological balance, human interaction, as well as
               cartography . Students will also learn about the geographic circumstances of the various nations, including how
               these geographical traits affect their economies, social structures, and interaction with other nations.  Students
               will examine how other people live and interact with their environment – as we are ALL made in His image –

               considering how we all are so very inter-connected and similar and, yet, very different. Required Text: pending
               T 9te ha , 1 c 0 h th e ,r 1: 1t E hd , 1Moodh, R tee nt c h o , e m lemend tw ee d lft D h,onation of $10 per weekly session
            •  Western Civilization- (High School) Western Civilization begins with general introductions to political, economic,
               religious, and social systems, as they will be our lens for viewing the development of culture. The course will then
               trace the
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