Page 11 - Class Catalog 2017 Newest
P. 11

•  y the Great Horn Spoon! by Sid Fleishman
               • Rifles for Waite by Harold Keith
               • Hattie  ig Sky by Kirby Larson
               • Journey to Topaz by Yoshida Uchida

               third, fourth, fifth, sixth, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, middle school, english, writing
             	  •  Elementary English: Fables, Myths   & Fairy Tales – (3rd-6th graders) In this IEW (Institute for Excellence in

               Writing) class, your 3rd-5th grader will delight in classic childrens tales while learning to write using structure
               and style.   Characters and adventures will capture your childs imagination and provide rich writing

               content.   Using this methodology, your child will learn concrete techniques and move from being an
               inexperienced writer to a confident writer.    Each week, 1-2 hours of homework will be assigned and parental

               supervision and guidance will be required.   Required Textbooks: IEW Fables, Myths & Fairy Tales: Writing Lessons
               in Structure & Style by Lori Verstegen (, Student Resource Notebook (by purchasing   the student

               text you will receive the Resource Notebook as a free   download), and a thesaurus. Teacher: Keira Moody
               Recommended Donation of $10 per weekly class
               seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 11th, writing, english, literature, high school, middle school
             	  •  Shakespeare-  (7 -12 th   grade) Shakespeare is Great Literature, enduring, thought-provoking and inspiring

               literature, although it is not novels/ Shakespeare’s plays were written to be performed   and watched in
               community, rather than read silently by an individual by a fireside. The 90-minute class period is intended to
               allow for plenty   of discussion of Shakespeare’s timeless themes and complex, insightful characters, but also for

               watching professional performances   of the plays, reading substantial sections of the plays out loud together,
               and rehearsing and performing sonnets, soliloquies, and scenes ourselves. Required Texts: Students will need

               copies of Hamlet, Henry V,   Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming of the Shrew, and
               several sonnets. Teacher:   Laura Keifer Recommended Donation of $10 per weekly session

               ninth, tenth, 9th, 10th, high school
             	  •  Freshman/Sophomore   English (Literature & Writing)-  (9 th   &10 th   grades) This class is for students beginning their

               9th or 10th grade year of high school Language Arts. We   will focus on close reading strategies and literary
               analysis as well as the structure(s) and process of writing. This class is based on the belief that in order to learn

               to   write well one must READ! While the texts we read will certainly stand on their own, they will also provide
               inspiration and a model for student writing. Please expect to have weekly homework in both reading and   writing
               in a addition to about four formal writing assignments throughout the year.   Required Texts: The texts you will

               need to acquire for this class are: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde by
               Robert Louis Stevenson, and (No Fear Shakespeare) A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare/ You

               will also need   reliable home internet access for the short stories & poems we will be reading this year. Teacher:

               Emily Bolthouse Recommended Donation   of $10 per weekly class session.
               eleventh, twelfth, high school,
             	  •  Honors English (Literature   & Writing)-  (11 th   & 12 th   grades) This class is for students beginning their 11th or 12th

               grade year of high school Language Arts. This is an upper level course and will focus on close reading, literary

               analysis, and response to literature through   writing. We will focus specifically on American Literature and
               explore themes related to   the !merican experience, the human condition, and the individual’s place in the

               world he/she inhabits. Please expect to have weekly homework in both reading and writing   in addition to about

               four formal writing assignments throughout the year. The texts you will need     to acquire for this class are: The
               Crucible by Arthur Miller, Walden by Henry David Thoreau, and   The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. You will
               also need reliable home internet access for the short stories & poems we will be reading this year.   Teacher:

               Emily Bolthouse Recommended Donation   of $10 per weekly class session
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