Page 24 - Class Catalog 2017 Newest
P. 24

fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
             	  •  Jazz/   Lyrical Praise Dance, Intermediate/Advanced level (ages 9 and up) In this FUN class, intermediate level

               dancers will further develop their technique   and style as we explore a variety of jazz disciplines including Lyrical,
               Contemporary, as well as Broadway Jazz. Lyrical jazz is slow and very expressive, and a beautiful way   to praise
               and worship   our Lord. Contemporary jazz combines modern dance, ballet, and jazz technique. Broadway jazz

               emphasizes character and   musical theatre skills (without singing). A variety of turns and leaps will be

               strengthened. Students are highly encouraged to take   at least 1 ballet class and stretch / strength class along

               with this class. Prerequisites: At least two   years of ballet and one year of jazz. Special permission may be given

               to   others. Please contact the teacher. Teacher: Tanya Fisher Recommended Donation of $12 per weekly class.
                preschool, kindergarten, first,preK,1st, elementary
             	  •  Happy Feet Tots Tumbling   & Dance- (Ages 4-6) Students will explore different types of movement and music

               including   tap and acrobatics. A fun all- round class for any child. Students will also learn to remember dances

               while singing songs! Super fun! Teacher:   Amy Stahlman Recommended Donation of $12 per weekly class
                second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, 2,3,4,5,6, elementary
             	  •  Introduction to Irish Dance (Beginner)   - This exciting class will introduce students to the rich cultural
               heritage of Ireland through dancing to traditional music. Students will learn the fundamentals of Irish dance-
               timing, body position and footwork, as they learn the beginner reel and light jig. This class is designed to
               build skills necessary to progress to Irish Dance Year 2. One hour class, ages 7-11. pending Teacher: Christopher

               McGrory Recommended Donation of $12 per weekly class
                fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, adult, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, middle, high,
             	  •  Irish Dance (2 nd   Year) - A continuation of Beginning Irish Dance, students in this class will learn more

               complicated dances like slip Jig and single Jig. They will continue to build muscle strength and coordination as
               they work their way up to beginning dances in hard shoe, the electrifying type of dance seen in shows like
               Riverdance and Lord of the Dance.   Teacher: Christopher McGrory Recommended Donation of $12 per weekly
                fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, adult, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
             	  •  Stretch/Strength- (ages 9 and up including adults) Body conditioning will be achieved through a variety of
               exercises including Pilates and Yoga techniques. Teacher: Tanya Fisher Recommended Donation of $8   per
               weekly class
               eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, middle school, high school
             	  •  Intro to Choreography- (13 years and up) Students will learn to create their own dance to their own choice of
               music and choreographic tools such as canons, level changes, motifs, as well as the basic elements of
               choreography time, space and energy. They will learn to communicate, make choices, and work with others.
               Requirements: Students MUST be enrolled in at least one dance class. Teacher: Amy Stahlman   Recommended
               Donation of $12 per weekly class
                fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th,
             	  •  Just Dance- This class will start with a quick warm up and then students will be learning dances from various
               styles and time periods including: country, swing, beginning jazz, hip hop, and others. Requirements: Students
               must participate/perform in at least one Quest Connects show. Teacher: Amy Stahlman Recommended
               Donation of $12 per weekly class
                kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, elementary
             	  •  Combo Acro 1/Tap 1- (ages 6 –   10)   This 1.5 hour class will be a fun introduction to tap dance and acrobatics,

               about 45 minutes of each.   Students will learn tap fundamentals including shuffle, flap, ball change, cramp rolls,
               buffalo, Irish, maxi ford and upbeat, fun choreography!     Acrobatic instruction will include stretching,
               strengthening exercises (planks, crunches, push ups), headstands, handstands, cartwheels, forward and

               backward rolls and more!    Needed Items: Students will need form fitting, stretchy clothing and tap
               shoes.    (shoes are not mandatory for the first week.   I recommend a high quality tap shoe purchased at a dance

               supply store.   The ones from Payless and Walmart usually do not make nice sounds so it less enjoyable to hear).
               Teacher: Tanya Fisher   Recommended Donation of $15 per weekly class

             	  •  Ballet Folklorico- description and more information coming soon
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