Page 22 - Class Catalog 2017 Newest
P. 22

Fine Arts: Gymnastics / Karate

               kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, elementary,
             	  •  Combo Tap 1/Acro        1 – (ages 6-10 years) This 1.5 hour class will be a fun introduction to tap dance and

               acrobatics, about 45   minutes of each.    Students will learn tap fundamentals including shuffle, flap, ball change,

               cramp   rolls, buffalo, Irish, maxi ford and upbeat, fun choreography!     Acrobatic instruction will include
               stretching, strengthening exercises (planks, crunches,   push ups), headstands, handstands, cartwheels, forward
               and backward rolls and   more!    Students will need form fitting, stretchy clothing and tap shoes.    (shoes are not

               mandatory for the first week.    I recommend a high quality tap shoe purchased at a dance supply store.    The ones
               from Payless and Walmart usually do not make nice sounds so it less enjoyable to hear).   Teacher: Tanya Fisher
               Recommended Donation:   $15 per weekly class

                second, third, fourth, fifth, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, elementary,
             	  •  Acrobatics II-    In order to ensure safety, students entering Acro 2 must be able to execute the following with

               good   technique (straight legs and arms, pointed feet, tight core etc): headstand, bridge walk across 2 mats non-
               stop, backward roll, 10 pushups, 5 V ups, elbow plank for 30 seconds, good flexibility (splits or near splits), right

               AND left cartwheels, 1 arm   cartwheel (right OR left), roundoff, handstand. If you have any questions please

               contact Tanya Fisher. Teacher: Tanya Fisher   Recommended Donation of $15 per weekly class

                third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, middle school, high school, elementary
             	  •  Rhythmic Gymnastics-  (ages 8 and up) This is a dance class that is a beautiful and artistic sport. It will combine
               hoops, ribbons and balls for a wonderful experience in balance and coordination. Students in this class will be
               required to purchase a ball, hoop and ribbon for use during class.   Teacher: Tanya Fisher Recommended

               Donation   of $12 per weekly class

                third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, middle school, high school, elementary
             	  •  Karate      – (Ages 6 and up) The class will encompass all aspects of traditional martial arts( kicks, punches, blocks,

               throws, and grappling) with a heavy   emphasis on practical self defense. Open to all ages 6 to adult. Wear

               comfortable, modest athletic clothing.   This is a 90 minute class with the first 45 minutes being for young or

               inexperienced students and the second   45 minutes for older, more experienced students. Teacher: Todd

               Fairweather   Recommended Donation of $12 per weekly class.

               kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 5th, elementary
             	  •  Acrobatics I-  (For students 5-10 years) **May be offered in 2018-2019** Students will learn forward and

               backward rolls, headstands, handstands, cartwheels, roundoffs, bridges etc. As students gain strength and
               flexibility, more advanced tricks will be introduced: front and back walkovers, handsprings etc. Stretching,
               conditioning, and safety   will be emphasized. Practicing acrobatics helps dancers tremendously with balance,

               flexibility, and strength. And, its so   much fun! Teacher: Tanya Fisher Recommended Donation of $15 per weekly

        ***All classes participating   in the fine arts festival may have a costume fee and all will have a $5 per child performance

        fee in order to cover the cost of renting a space for the Fine Arts Festival. Every   effort is made to keep costs as low as

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