Page 13 - Des Pawson's "Knot Craft: 35 Ropework Projects"
P. 13

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:16  Page 12

                                      SOME TIPS OF THE TRADE
                   only slightly darken the work. Do  CORDAGE
                   some tests first to avoid ruining  The right kind of rope for the
                   your work.                      right job will make all the
                                                   difference both to the making
                   MELTED ENDS OF SYNTHETIC ROPE   and the finished product. I do
                   Do not make great blobs of      not come from the school that
                   melted plastic on the ends of   says that natural fibres are best.
                   your lines; they will crack and,  I think that you should use the
                   when running through your       appropriate rope for the job. It’s
                   hands, can do great damage.     worth the trouble searching for
                   If you do decide to melt the    the best materials and usually
                   ends, do so in a minimal        worth paying extra for quality, be
                   manner, taking care to smooth   it in natural or synthetic
                   the end with wetted fingers.    material. Good natural materials
                   Polypropylene has a fairly low  have a certain feel that is
                   melt point and is not too much  rewarding and can give the item
                   of a problem if a quick heat is  you’ve made the appearance of
                   applied, but nylon and polyester  coming from the past. But
                   have much higher melt points    natural materials will rot quite
                   and can burn your fingers very  easily and a fine job can soon
                   easily. TAKE CARE.              look very tatty, thus wasting a
                                                   great deal of work.
                    MEASURING ROPE                   It is worth exploring the
                   In the past rope was measured by  various  imitation  natural
                   its circumference rather than its  materials that are available for
                   diameter, and you can see why   jobs that are subject to rot, but
                   when trying to measure a large  even they are not going to last for
                   rope. In the UK and Europe      ever. I like to use a material that is
                   today rope is measured by its   fairly firm and gives good
                   diameter in millimetres. As a   definition to any knots that are
                   rough guide you can convert     tied in it. If you are splicing it is
                   from one to the other by saying  helpful that the strand itself holds
                   that the circumference in eighths  its twist, but you do not need the
                   of inches is equal to the diameter  lay to be so hard as to start to
                   in millimetres. It is well worth  cockle and distort as you splice.
                   noting that today in the United   I give some idea as to the sort
                   States rope is sold by its diameter  of material to be used in each of
                   in inches, but for over 2 inches in  the projects but you may have to
                   diameter measurements change    adapt to those materials that you
                   over to circumference. Wire rope  can find. This is nothing new,
                   has always been sold by its     sailors doing fancy knot work 150
                   diameter, even in the UK.       years ago would have had to make
                                                   do with whatever they could lay
                                                   their hands on. The source for

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