Page 10 - Des Pawson's "Knot Craft: 35 Ropework Projects"
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KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:16 Page 9
already been used with oil, I use
paraffin with a touch of oil. I Constrictor
believe that a knife will only hold
its edge for a long time if it is
never used, so a frequent tickle
on stone or steel, and not A
allowing the tool to get into too
bad a state, is by far the better
As far as the argument
between carbon and stainless
steel goes, it is worth remem-
bering that there are many B
variations of both. I have knives
in both materials that I find work
for me. Often these are just basic
utility knives, as used by butchers
or fishermen, but it should be
born in mind that at sea, salt
water soon ruins the best of PACKER’S KNOT
carbon steel knives unless great Based on the figure of eight this
care is taken to keep them dry knot works well when making up
and clean. such things as fender bases, as
the more you pull the tighter it
grips. It can be locked with a half
KNOTS hitch, to make it secure.
Some knots are almost tools in
Works well as a temporary
seizing, holding together the end
of a rope, a bundle of lines
before making a button knot,
building the core of a fender and
many other examples. When
pulled really tight you may have
to cut it to remove it. However,
when you understand the
structure of the knot it is possible Packer’s knot
to untie in many circumstances
with the help of a fid or spike.