Page 7 - Des Pawson's "Knot Craft: 35 Ropework Projects"
P. 7

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:16  Page 6

                    Some Tips of the Trade

                       URING MY YEARS of working with rope I have come across
                   Dpieces of information, special solutions, tools and tech-
                   niques from many sources that have in some way been of signif-
                   icant help or interest, and I would like to pass on as many of
                   these as I can.

                    TOOLS                          HEAVER
                   HEAVING MALLET                  When I was in Mariehamn, the
                   This sadly neglected tool is a  rigger on the Pommern known as
                   great help in pulling tight     ‘Little Brother’, showed me a
                   stubborn strands in a large rope  heaver made from a piece of
                   splice, for tightening seizings,  metal pipe with a slot at one end
                   and anywhere else that an extra  and holes at the other. The
                   bit of pull is needed. It works  strand, or line, is put in the slot
                   best with a heaving board to    and a spike put through the hole;
                   pull/heave against.             the tool is then turned like a key
                                                   to tighten the strand or line.

                                                   Look for a good long taper on
                                                   your marlinespike. I prefer a
                                                         rounded, flattened point.
                                                         As with all tools it is rare

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