Page 9 - Des Pawson's "Knot Craft: 35 Ropework Projects"
P. 9

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:16  Page 8

                                      SOME TIPS OF THE TRADE

                   6 INCH NAILS                    KNIVES
                   These are also good for pegging  There is much debate about what
                   out such items as bowsprit nets  makes a good knife and what
                   and scramble nets on the lawn.  makes a good blade (will it keep a
                                                   good edge, for example?). Some
                   LOOP TOOLS                      people are totally against stainless
                   I have made up loop tools with  steel, saying that it will never give
                   various lengths and gauges of   a good edge.
                   bent piano wire, which can be     The first thing to bear in mind
                   obtained from model shops. I    is that different tasks require
                   have found that the wire centre  different types of edge. You could
                   from morse cable controls will  never cut a 48mm piece of
                   also work. Short loop tools are  manila with a cut throat razor,
                   good for pulling the ends       and if you tried you would ruin
                   through on small button knots,  the razor forever. I differentiate
                   while long tools will be of help  between the razor sharp edge I
                   for splicing braid on braid line  put on my pocket knife and use
                   and for pulling through the     for cutting and trimming small
                   lashing strands when making up  stuff and the saw-like edge which
                   the cores for a button fender.   I put on my bench knives for
                                                   cutting ropes and cables. I get the
                   SERVING STICK                   razor edge by sharpening it on a
                   A very good replacement for a   softish fine stone, and the saw-
                   serving mallet or serving board is  like edge by sharpening it with a
                   a narrow piece of wood in which  very coarse stone or a steel.
                   a series of holes is drilled. The  As far as a lubricant for the
                   line is threaded through the    stone is concerned (and of course
                   holes to give the required tension  there must be a lubricant to stop
                   and the serving applied in the  the pores of the stone clogging
                   normal manner. A very short     up) I use water, but this can only
                   serving stick will enable you to  be used if you start with a new
                   serve quite small eyes.         piece of stone. If the stone has

                                                     Serving stick

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