Page 10 - HNW Spring Magazine 2024
P. 10

Getting the Most                                 Uncommon                                              something drastically different or the ankle
                                                                                                             issue was going to continue interfering with
      Out of Your                                      Surgery, Expert                                       his active lifestyle. Steve suspected he would
                                                                                                             need ankle replacement surgery, and this was
      Membership                                       Surgeon                                               confirmed by his local physicians. The cartilage

                                                                                                             in his left ankle was completely worn down,
                                                                                                             resulting in arthritis and bone rubbing on
      As President of Healthnetwork Foundation,        Steve Kramer and Cindy, his wife of almost            bone. Steve read research papers and looked
      I enjoy speaking to groups of CEOs about         30 years, had planned a great trip—biking in          into the backgrounds of surgeons. He watched
      what we do. We are a unique group and            Mallorca and traveling through Spain and              videos to understand the medical implant
      people often struggle to define us. Are we       Portugal. It should have been a lovely time           device options.
      a charity? Are we a referral service? Are we     without a care in the world. But a long-time
      concierge medicine? Yes, yes and yes… kind of.   ankle injury flared up, and in Lisbon Steve              He wanted to speak with people who’d had
         As far as we know, Healthnetwork is           found himself unable to walk through the              similar surgeries, but had a hard time finding
      the only nonprofit that does what we do:         cobblestone streets. Something had to change.         anyone. “Everyone knows someone who’s had
      connect CEOs and family offices with top                                                               a knee replacement. How many people do you
      hospitals and doctors for world-class care                   teve has had problems with                know that have had an ankle replacement?
      and facilitate philanthropic funding for            S        his ankle for most of his life,           Most people know no one.”                   Steve Kramer is grateful to be walking again,
      medical research.                                            but he’s always found ways                   Finding a surgeon he felt confident with   pain-free, after his ankle replacement surgery.
         I regularly hear two sentiments from                      to manage it and stay active.             also proved to be a challenge. Steve met with   Photo courtesy of Reed Kramer.
      our members:                                        “When I was young I badly sprained                 a surgeon who came highly recommended.
      1.  “I am so lucky/fortunate/blessed.”           my left ankle a few times. It probably never          But when she told Steve she did 20–25 ankle
      2.  “If you don’t have your health, nothing      healed properly. I’m very active, and I’ve            surgeries a year, he knew he couldn’t go forward.
          else matters.”                               worn out the protective cartilage in my                  “I wasn’t comfortable with that,” he says.
         It’s so true, isn’t it? You can “have it all”   ankle over the years.”                              “If you want good carpentry, you get someone
      and then you draw one unlucky health card,          Over the last decade or so, Steve has had          who does what you need every single day.        At Your Service: Kim Dixon
      and suddenly all you care about is getting       a couple surgeries to clean out scar tissue           I wanted someone who was doing at least two     “Steve’s extensive research had already led
      to the right doctor as fast as possible.         and bone chips. Annoying, but he hasn’t let           of these surgeries a week.”                     him to see multiple specialists prior to
      Healthnetwork makes that possible for you.       it slow him down. Until Lisbon. Not being                                                             looping us in. I felt like we were detectives
      If you can take some time in advance to          able to walk through the beautiful, historic          That’s More Like It                             working together to figure out the next step.
      understand what we do and how it works,          city really bothered Steve.                           Steve knew about Healthnetwork through          The choice was clear: Hospital for Special
      you’ll be positioned to act swiftly when a                                                             his YPO membership, and reached out for help
      health issue arises.                                “I couldn’t walk more than five minutes.                                                           Surgery and their top-notch foot and ankle
         If you would like me to come speak            It was too painful. I got an electric scooter         finding a more experienced surgeon. His         service. Dr. Demetracopoulos is a phenomenal
      with your group (in person or virtually) to      so I didn’t curtail our activities.”                  medical coordinator, Kim Dixon, connected       surgeon and turned out to be a great fit for
      explain more about how you and your peers                                                              him with Dr. Constantine Demetracopoulos        Steve. Since his successful surgery, Steve has
      can take advantage of the resources and                                                                at the Hospital for Special Surgery. Steve      graciously spoken with two others who were
      connections Healthnetwork offers, I would          YPO has been an invaluable resource.                was impressed with his background, training     considering ankle replacement. He even had
      be honored. And your group members will              I’m grateful for the connection to                and credentials. “I found out he did 125        one person speak to Dr. Demetracopoulos
      thank you for years to come! Please call or                                                            ankle replacements a year and thought, that’s   during his own follow-up consult! Steve’s
      email me anytime. ✦                                 Healthnetwork and glad to make a                   more like it.”                                  collaborative spirit, determination, generosity,
                                                             donation as a little give-back.                    This was Steve’s first time having major     and kindness are delightful, and I look
                                                                                                             surgery, and he was nervous about getting       forward to supporting him and his loved
                                                                                                             this highly specialized procedure. But          ones for years to come.”
                                                       Bone on Bone
                       MEGAN FRANKEL                                                                         everything went just as Dr. Demetracopoulos
                       President                       When Steve and Cindy returned home to                 had explained it would. The surgery went well,
                                                                                                                                                                           KIM DIXON
                       Healthnetwork Foundation        southern New Jersey, Steve immediately                and Steve was back home the same day with                     Relationship Manager
                       +1 440-264-1923                                                                                                                                     and Medical Coordinator
                       mfrankel@                       began looking into resources in the                   minimal pain. “I was back to doing everything
                  Philadelphia area. He knew he had to do               within four months!” ✦

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