Page 14 - HNW Spring Magazine 2024
P. 14

Gifts That Endure                                Blessed

      Make your mark on                                BY BILL MILLER
      the future of medicine.                          Healthnetwork Foundation GOLD
                                                       and Family Legacy Supporter
      Medicine is changing. The healthcare
      landscape your great-grandchildren                           n 2010 I was part of a Vistage
      encounter will look very different from              I       leadership group of CEOs and
      what we see now.                                             someone from Healthnetwork
         If you get excited about Healthnetwork’s                  came to our group to give a
      mission to make medicine better for future       short presentation. I learned Healthnetwork
      generations, we invite you to consider           identifies great doctors and supports
      including a gift in your estate plans to         activities around their work for the greater
      Healthnetwork Foundation. Some of the            good. Better doctors and healthcare
      ways you can do this are:                        facilities get funding, good things happen,
      1.  Include a gift to Healthnetwork in your      and the whole world’s health improves.
         will or trust. This can be a set dollar       I looked at that as a win-win snowballing             Since selling his company in 2022, Bill Miller and his wife
         amount or a percentage of the remainder       type arrangement. At the same time I                  Lorna are transitioning to full-time life in Naples, Florida.
         after other obligations are met.              know that if I ever have some kind of
      2.  Make us a beneficiary on a retirement        critical or weird symptom, I have access to
         account or life insurance policy. This        many excellent facilities and doctors. All              Giving to Healthnetwork is the best use
         type of gift can help your heirs avoid        that was very attractive to me. I signed              of my money. My family will be well provided
         excess taxes on these accounts.               up right away.                                        for, but I want to give to the greater good.
      3.  Consider setting up a charitable gift           Amanda Bise is my primary contact at               And the more you give away to charity, the
         annuity, remainder trust or lead trust,       Healthnetwork. She’s always responsive,               less taxes you pay—all good!                    At Your Service: Amanda Bise
         or gifting real estate. Healthnetwork         and she does great follow up. The first                                                               “Over the past seven years, our Cincinnati
         partners with the Cleveland Foundation        thing I did after signing up with                                                                      members have become like family to me!
         for these and other more complex              Healthnetwork was take advantage of the                Giving to Healthnetwork is the best use        Getting to know them and assisting their
         charitable estate giving options.             executive physical program. At that point                of my money. My family will be well           loved ones is more of a lifestyle for me now,
         Our nonprofit status means that all           I was almost 60 and starting to become                  provided for, but I want to give to the       instead of a job. Bill is no exception—
      contributions are tax deductible to the          aware that I could do a better job taking              greater good. It was an easy decision to        helping him and his loved ones has truly
      fullest extent allowed by U.S. tax law.          care of my health. I work hard and play                                                                been a blessing. Bill is one of the most
      We are happy to work with your advisors          hard, and I want to keep it that way as long            include gifts to Healthnetwork in our          generous, caring, family-oriented people
      to structure a gift that makes sense             as possible. I had my first executive                      yearly giving and estate plans.            I have ever met. His love to ensure his
      tax-wise and, most importantly, is deeply        physical in 2011 and it was non-memorable                                                              family is taken care of and his commitment
      meaningful for you.                              because there were no surprises, no “aha”                                                              to giving back to improve medical care
                                                       moments—just the kind of report you want                It was an easy decision to include gifts to    for others is reflected in all that he does.
      To discuss legacy giving, contact:                                                                     Healthnetwork in our yearly giving and          I love connecting with Bill to not only
      Megan Frankel, President                         to get from your doctor.                                                                               help where I am needed, but also to catch
      Healthnetwork Foundation                            I’ve been very blessed in my life                  estate plans. My wife Lorna and I are happy      up on life and family. I look forward to
      +1 440-264-1923                                  physically, mentally, and financially. I have         to continue giving. We also give to a number             been blessed with good heredity and                   of other charities. The two I’m most excited     conversations like that each day!”
                                                       environment. I’ve worked extremely hard               about are Healthnetwork Foundation and
                                                       in a business I love, but I also had some             the James Cancer Center, both located in Ohio.                AMANDA BISE
                                                       good fortune. I don’t feel like I deserve             Our thing is supporting the best doctors doing                Cincinnati Program Coordinator
                                                       all that’s happened—so it makes me                    treatment, providing care, and research and                   and Medical Coordinator
                                                       think, What can I do to help others? How              then to leverage their expertise. This is how
                                                       do I give back?                                       we give back. ✦

        14  Healthnetwork Foundation |                                                                                           One Call Starts It All +1 (866) 968-2467 +1 (440) 893-0830  15
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