Page 16 - HNW Spring Magazine 2024
P. 16

3550 Lander Road, Suite 225
        Pepper Pike, OH 44124

        Healthnetwork connects CEOs and family offices with top   1-866-968-2467 U.S. Toll Free  |  1-440-893-0830 International
        specialists and facilitates funding for medical research.

        Get A Second Opinion!

        If you or someone in your family gets a terrible   U.S. News. That means when you let us help you
        diagnosis like cancer, please reach out to   get a second opinion, you have peace of mind
        Healthnetwork and let us help you get to a   knowing you’re being evaluated by literally the
        top-ranked specialist for a second opinion.    best specialists in the country.
        Maybe it seems unnecessary or too much of a
        hassle. But the stakes are too high to move    We’re here to help you get a second
        forward without availing yourself of the latest   (or third) opinion:
        treatments, trials, and research. Healthnetwork’s   Call +1 866-968-2467 or email
        partner hospitals rank in the top three in the
        nation for all 15 special areas rated annually by

                                “Anyone who gets cancer should really get a second opinion from
                                 a big comprehensive cancer center, preferably an NCI designated
                                 comprehensive cancer center, just to make sure that all options
                                 are on the table.”
                                 BEN HO PARK, MD, PHD
                                 Director of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and
                                 Healthnetwork Foundation Service Excellence Award Winner

                                 See page 8 to read our interview with Dr. Ben Park.
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