Page 13 - HNW Spring Magazine 2024
P. 13

Fortunate    Do you think anyone would have had the
        patience to do that besides Bill?
 to Be Alive  Time for a New Lung                      At Your Service: Bill Rowley

 BY OMAR AL ASKARI  Eventually we came to the conclusion that I   “My relationship with Omar Al Askari started in
 Chairman & CEO at United Technical Services (UTS)  would have a single lung transplant and
 YPO International Chairman, 1999–2000  I would do it right here at Cleveland Clinic   the late 90s when I met him in YPO. In 1999
        Abu Dhabi. I was scared. The fatality rate     when Omar was the International Chairman,
                                                       he presented me with the Hickock Award at
 ccess to Healthnetwork is easily
 A  among the top 10 benefits of YPO.   is high. They tell you the first milestone is   a ceremony in Hawaii. We have remained close
        making it alive to three months post-surgery.
                                                       ever since. Omar’s support for Healthnetwork
        Well, I celebrated three months yesterday.
 When you’re under 50, maybe it’s
 low in the top 10 list. As you get   Let’s hope I’ll make it to 6 and 12 months.    and me continued through some politically
                                                       charged years, and he always had my back
 older, it rises to the top. Number one. Because   In March 2024, less than three months after his lung   I have a physio trainer, a yoga instructor,    with his deep international connections.
 let’s face it: between 50 and 70, physically you   transplant, Omar Al Askari co-hosted a dinner with   and a pilates teacher. I’m still chairman of   Helping Omar with his health was an
 Healthnetwork Foundation to express gratitude and make
 go through so many difficulties and changes.   a donation to Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi and his lung   my business and I go in for an hour or so    honor and a privilege. The dinner for Cleveland
 You need Healthnetwork as you age. The   surgeon. Pictured left to right: Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak   a few days a week to keep my brain active.   Clinic Abu Dhabi was exceptional. We donated
        I’m building back my strength. Today I went
 value of Healthnetwork goes up as your age   Al Nahyan, a friend of Omar’s and the minister of tolerance   fishing. I plan to do some golfing on the   and thanked each doctor. Sheikh Nahayan
 goes up. Believe me, I’m now 73 and in these   for the United Arab Emirates; Bill Rowley, Healthnetwork   weekend. I am looking forward to resuming   attended and made comments. The Al Askari
 past couple years I’ve needed Healthnetwork   Chairman and Founder; Omar Al Askari.   normal life again.  family and Healthnetwork combined to deliver
                                                       a substantial gift.
 more than I’ve needed anything.   I feel very fortunate to have a new lung,    This is how it is supposed to work.
 Here’s my story…  All Options on the Table   to be alive. I owe Healthnetwork for that.    Katie and I are planning a trip with our
 I was elected YPO International Chairman   The vast majority of us—even those of us    healthy Omar this summer.”
 in 1999–2000, and in that role I had the   Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with   who have a lot of connections—we just
 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. I didn’t believe
 opportunity to present YPO’s highest honor—  it and I called Healthnetwork immediately.    don’t know who the best specialists in the
 the Ray Hickok Award—to a distinguished   They connected me with a specialist at Cleveland   world are. Or if you do, you don’t necessarily   BILL ROWLEY
 member doing exceptional work. I awarded    Clinic, who confirmed the diagnosis. At that    have access to the best. The connections   Chairman and Founder
 it to Bill Rowley because of all the work he    time it was mild, and given my age (66 at the   Healthnetwork provides are unmatched. ✦
 had done to create the Inventory of Skills—  time), they didn’t expect it to spread quickly.
 which later became Healthnetwork Foundation.   It took about five years before I really started
 As businessmen, we are often focused on   to feel the pain. Then I had to go on oxygen,
 building our businesses and making money.   and for two years I was lugging around an   Your Benefits as a GOLD Supporter
 But in this case Bill wasn’t trying to make   oxygen tank almost 24/7. I couldn’t exercise,
 more money; he was doing something purely   couldn’t work much, couldn’t even travel.
 for the good of others. If anyone deserved    During those seven years after my diagnosis    Fast access to    High priority medical requests
 that award, it was Bill Rowley. I still feel that   I looked at all possible treatment options.    top specialists  through the GOLD Access app
 way today, 24 years later.  A transplant at my age is risky. Even 10 years
 Let’s be honest: we are privileged people.   ago most places wouldn’t give a transplant    Extended access beyond    Customized advisory
                     immediate family
                                                         reports for overseas travel
 And using that privilege only for selfish   to someone over 65. We looked literally around
 the whole world. The waiting lists are long
 reasons is extremely unrewarding. When    and extensive. Not only that, my situation was   Exclusive invites to    Your personal medical coordinator
 you help others, that’s where the rewards    complicated by the fact that I had a quadruple   physician webinars    for the duration of your request
 are realized. Helping others makes you    bypass years ago so they couldn’t touch my
 feel good. Bill is not only generous with his   left side. At the same time we were looking
 time, he’s also generous with Healthnetwork   for other options—Is there a cure? Is there    You can check on or renew your GOLD status through the GOLD Access portal or
              by contacting Kayleigh Williams at +1-440-893-0830 or
 Foundation’s money and generous with the   a way to stop it from progressing? Bill helped
 doctors. He’s a unique guy, and Healthnetwork    me navigate all that. He helped me evaluate   Tax ID # 04-3804600  |  All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. tax law.
 is a unique organization.   different centers. We consulted every possibility.

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