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“”                                                    “”

                             F. William “Bill” Steere                             William “Bill” H. Krul, II
                             Chairman                                             Recently retired CEO
                             Steere Enterprises                                   Miller-Valentine Group

               As an original board member of Healthnetwork         The small amount of time and money is
               since it was founded in 1991, I’ve seen first-hand   insignificant compared to the value received
               what a powerful organization it is and how it can    for my family, my friends and myself…priceless!
               impact people’s lives when their luck changes.
               Without our health we have nothing. Helping this
               organization make a difference in so many
               people’s lives is what drives my personal and                        Josh Guttman            “”
               financial involvement.                                               Partner
                                                                                    The Kable Group

                                                      “”            Several years ago my mother was diagnosed with

                             Tony Busa                              pancreatic cancer. We immediately reached out to
                             Entrepreneur                           Healthnetwork for guidance. Within days my mom
                                                                    was connected to the best local and national
                                                                    options. In reflection, I wanted to make sure I
                                                                    could help others the same way Healthnetwork
               I enjoy being part of Healthnetwork Foundation       helped my mom. There is no better comfort when
               and helping our members navigate through their       a loved one is sick than being able to connect
               various medical issues. It has been rewarding to     them quickly to the very best.
               see the difference we’ve made in people’s lives
               throughout the years. It’s great to be a part of
                                                                                    Early Childhood  “”
               this caring and passionate team.
                                                                                    Tricia Rowley McCollum
                                                      “”                            Intervention Specialist

                              Barney Corning
                              Partner & CoFounder
                              CCC Alliance, LLC                     I have watched my father pour his heart,
                                                                    his time, and his energy into the Healthnetwork
                                                                    Foundation over the years. I have had so many
               It’s simple, really: I have experienced firsthand    people tell me stories of their worst day or most
               how Healthnetwork can save and improve               vulnerable time and how Healthnetwork was
               lives—from my own, to my immediate and               there for them. It is an organization you hope to
               extended family, to colleagues in our extended       never need, but the security and reassurance of
               network of CCC Alliance families. Whether for my     knowing it is there in case you ever do is
               nerve-saving spinal surgery, or finding a kidney     priceless. My family and I personally experienced
               for a colleague, or dealing with a mental health     the benefits of being a Healthnetwork member
               crisis in the family, Healthnetwork has been         when our youngest son, Chase, unexpectedly
               there to be our champion and advocate through        came into this world almost five months early.
               the system. I want to help Healthnetwork             As a micropreemie, Chase had many health
               continue to build on the breadth and depth of        concerns, some of which he continues to struggle
               high quality support it gives its members and to     with. We have always been comforted knowing
               support the doctors and research that will           he is able to access the best care whenever it is
               improve health care for all in the future.           needed through Healthnetwork.

                                                                                   One  C all Star ts It  All  +1 (866) 968-2467   +1 (440) 893-0830       15
                                                                                   One Call Starts It All  +1 (866) 968-2467  +1 (440) 893-0830      15
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