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Exceptional Care
Award Honorees
“Not only did I get the right
treatment, but I was treated in a way The 2022 Exceptional Care Award winners went above
that made me feel like a person and beyond for Healthnetwork members.
not just a symptom. I didn’t feel
rushed, and I was given a chance
to get all my questions answered.
Kelly, Dr. Theodore and Healthnetwork
helped me avoid a disaster!”
Teresita Lopez Kelly Patchak
Director, Global Health Client Specialist, Corporate
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Relations & Special Services
Miami FL Johns Hopkins Medicine
International, Baltimore MD
During the pandemic, Pam closed her psychology
office and did teletherapy sessions with her patients.
“So I was sitting in one position for hours over a
two-year period with little walking,” she says.
Dr. Theodore and Pam agreed that’s what led to the
compression on her sciatic nerve and hamstring.
“Surgery would have left me in worse shape.”
Instead, she picked up a prescription for nerve pain
medication, and she says, “Within a day, I was out of Maureen Patton Jamie Thomas*
Assistant Vice President,
Director, Concierge Services,
the wheelchair.” Children’s Hospital of Baptist Health Foundation
Philadelphia, Philadelphia PA Baptist Health South Florida
The Right Treatment *Repeat honoree
Pam is back to her normal life now and grateful to
be out of pain, and sleeping, working—and walking!—
normally again. She can’t say enough about her
experience with Healthnetwork and Johns Hopkins.
“Not only did I get the right treatment, but I was
treated in a way that made me feel like a person not
just a symptom,” she says. “I didn’t feel rushed, and I
was given a chance to get all my questions answered.
Kelly, Dr. Theodore and Healthnetwork helped me Vikki Winks
avoid a disaster!" ✦ Operations, Executive Health Program
Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven CT
+1 (440) 893-0830
All +1 (866) 968-2467
One Call Starts It All +1 (866) 968-2467 +1 (440) 893-0830 19
ts It
all Star