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The Best Kind
of Rejection
Y ou have spinal stenosis,” they said. “I had to have people drive me around. I had to have
“I know. I’ve had that for years,”
groceries delivered. I became totally dependent for
the first time in my life. It was bad. And the pain was
said Pam Markham.
“You have arthritis,” they said. horrendous. It affected my sleep, my mood, and my ability
“I know,” said Pam. “But that’s not the problem.” to work. I was getting to a point of feeling hopeless.
Pam was getting desperate. For months she’d This was going to be the rest of my life?”
been experiencing terrible pain under her left thigh
and no one could tell her why. Everyone kept talking Three Doctors, One Opinion
about her back problems, but Pam felt sure After three doctors told Pam she needed a spinal fusion
it was something else causing the agony in her leg. surgery, she reluctantly agreed. She braced herself to
One orthopedist gave her prednisone, which did begin interviewing surgeons. “I felt if I’m going to have
nothing for the pain. Another gave her oxycodone, this done, I might as well go to the best place.”
which she refused to take. (“I’m a psychologist. But she feared it wouldn’t be easy. A long-time
I see people with drug issues all the time.”) Florida resident, she started her search close to home.
A pain management doctor gave her a prescription A hospital in Miami told her it would be at least two
for medical marijuana and two epidurals. months before she could get in. Pam couldn’t fathom
Nothing helped. the idea of going on for two more months like this.
Then Pam’s primary care physician recommended She wanted to interview several teaching hospitals and
physical therapy, and things went from bad to worse. choose the right one. But how, when it was all she could
“I was walking when we started, and after seven do to survive the day?
sessions with the PT, I was in a wheelchair,” she says.
Pam spent three agonizing months in the wheelchair.
Enter Doctor Number Four
A Vistage Chair made a call to Healthnetwork Foundation
on Pam’s behalf, and she was connected with Kelly Patchak,
Healthnetwork liaison at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Kelly
“I’m so grateful to Kelly. I sent helped Pam organize all her medical records and arranged
her flowers. She made the whole for an appointment a few days later with Dr. Nicholas
procedure very easy. If I had a Theodore, a renown neurosurgeon and director of the
Neurosurgical Spine Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital in
question, she was always available Baltimore. Pam quickly booked a flight.
and she didn’t act like I was being After looking at Pam’s MRI and X-Rays, Dr. Theodore
annoying, which is what you get gave Pam the best rejection she could ever hope to
at a lot of places.” receive: “You’re not a candidate for surgery.”
“I was in absolute shock,” says Pam. “After being told
— PAM MARKHAM by three doctors that I needed surgery, I just couldn’t
believe it.”
Kelly Patchak
Client Specialist at Johns Instead of confirming those three opinions,
Hopkins Hospital Dr. Theodore verified what Pam suspected all along:
her long-time back issues were not the cause of her
Healthnetwork Exceptional agonizing leg pain. And instead of surgery, he offered a
Care Award Winner, 2022 much more conservative explanation and solution:
He explained that a compressed nerve was the cause of
her pain, and prescribed medication for nerve pain.
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