Page 19 - Hexion Sustainability Report 2021
P. 19
Market Innovation (continued)
ArmorBuilt : Ramping Up Hexion initially leveraged this technology to
develop a fire-retardant solution for more
Protection Against Wildfires
sustainable wooden utility poles and the Company
In 2021, over 50,000 wildfires burned across is actively developing additional applications
upwards of 7 million acres of land in the western for a variety of industries. For example, Hexion
United States and Canada, putting people, expects that ArmorBuilt can play a critical role
essential infrastructure and the environment at risk. in fire hardening protection for other critical
These challenging conditions followed a horrific infrastructure, as well as several residential and
wildfire season in 2020. commercial applications.
Hexion’s ArmorBuilt Fire Protection product Managing Supply Chain Sustainability
offers a durable, fire mitigation safeguard for
securing critical infrastructure. The state-of-the-art Hexion recognizes the opportunities and
smart material that is triggered by heat protects a obligations of a Sustainable Procurement
renewably sourced power infrastructure—wooden approach. We utilize a strategic procurement
utility poles—while substantially minimizing the approach to ensure security of supply, combined
cost of disruption and repair. ArmorBuilt has also with a logistics network to ship across town
passed two industry approved wildfire simulation or around the world with minimal interruption.
burn tests for fire resistance With its insulating In 2021, we added resources dedicated to
and self-healing properties, ArmorBuilt provides developing Supplier programs, with a focus on
a safe and reliable burn-prevention material for a fostering an increased use of more sustainable raw
variety of industries potentially affected by fires, materials and assessing Environmental, Social and
including wildfires. Corporate Governance risks and initiatives across
our supplier portfolio.
Hexion is working closely with one of the largest
wood pole producers in North America to make In addition, Hexion continues to closely monitor
ArmorBuilt wrap the specified solution for Pacific and adapt to the ongoing challenges associated
Gas & Electric Company to protect their utility pole with a global supply chain crisis. With more than
infrastructure in wildfire prone areas. 30 manufacturing and research and development
facilities around the world, Hexion relies on a large,
To meet the continued strong customer demand
complex supply chain.
to address the situation, Hexion announced two
capacity expansions at its Portland, Oregon As part of this effort, Hexion relies on key partners,
manufacturing site in 2021, in support of its such as Celonis, to assist Hexion’s global supply
ArmorBuilt Fire Protection product. chain with comprehensive, real-time data. Through
this partnership, Hexion leverages process mining
In early 2022, the Company also announced
technology, which is an analytical discipline for
another expansion at its Missoula site, enabling
discovering, monitoring, and improving processes
Hexion to significantly increase its capacity to
that enable efficiencies and improve service for
serve customers more easily in the wildfire prone
our customers.
areas of the Western United States and beyond.
The new capacity is expected to come online in
fourth quarter of 2022.