Page 24 - Hexion Sustainability Report 2021
P. 24
Social Responsibility
Hexion’s Focus on the Value of tracked in our system, helping both managers and
Human Capital associates keep the momentum of the discussion
throughout the year.
Voice of the Associate Survey To further our efforts at developing and retaining
At Hexion, our people are our number one asset, associates, we created a career passport, which
and their voices are important to us. We were is a tool designed to help associates in various
pleased that more than 80% of our associates corporate functions gain perspectives on different
completed the 2021 Voice of the Associate possibilities for their career paths. This program
Survey. This Survey provided our associates a not only helps associates recognize that Hexion is
channel to voice their opinion on areas in which invested in its associates, but also reinforces the
we are doing well and in areas where we have importance of experience-based growth. Providing
opportunities to grow. Their feedback will help associates with growth opportunities becomes
us develop strategies to further create a safe, ever more important as many organizations
engaging, and inclusive environment for all our continue to optimize their workforce. Hexion’s
associates to feel empowered to do their best career passport gives our associates the
work. Subsequently, managers received a empowerment to own their careers, move into
scorecard, allowing them to use this feedback to different functional areas and learn additional skill
develop action plans that will continue successful sets based on their interests and current expertise.
practices and adjust others as needed. These In 2021, Hexion continued to pursue its Servant
action plans are meant to further enhance the Leadership journey. This initiative ensures that
relationship between our managers and their Learning and Development opportunities are
associates, leading to strong, ongoing associate aligned and moving forward in the same direction.
development conversations and opportunities. Over the course of the year, Hexion experienced
Career Development & Education a growing interest and demand from associates
around Servant Leadership practices, resulting in
Hexion is committed to developing our associates
the development of a pilot workshop.
to their greatest potential and giving them access
to new opportunities whenever possible. Our The Company also identified eight associates
Continuous Performance Management (CPM) Pilot for individual career coaching in 2021. The first
is a system designed to help facilitate an ongoing 25 coaching missions followed the Strategic
development discussion between associates and Talent Management (STM) reviews within our
their managers. CPM distributes prompts during Global Operations. Within the next year, we
structured monthly meetings to ensure managers hope to continue accommodating requests from
and associates discuss more than just metrics. additional functions as part of the Strategic Talent
Discussion prompts include well-being check- Management process.
ins, manager and associate feedback, and career
goals. Goals set within CPM can be measured and
21 | 2021 Sustainability Report