Page 21 - Hexion Sustainability Report 2021
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Awards certification recognizes a company’s commitment
to environmentally, socially and economically
sustainable production by tracking its existing mix
of feedstocks and replacing fossil materials with
Hexion’s Rogerson Awarded
renewable resources.
Prestigious Chemical Industry Metal
Feedstocks for the liquid epoxy resins produced
The Society of Chemical at the Pernis location have been certified by
Industry, America Section mass balance to be replaceable by bio-based
(SCI America), awarded alternatives. These include the phenol and acetone
Craig Rogerson, Chairman, used to manufacture Bisphenol A (BPA), a critical
President and CEO of Hexion, the “SCI Chemical building block in the manufacture of epoxy resins.
Industry Medal,” which is one of the most
prestigious industry awards in 2021. The SCI Leading Composite Technology
Chemical Industry Medal honors an individual Recognized by Society of Plastic
whose leadership, commitment and contributions Engineers
have been responsible for substantial progress
The Epoxy business, which
and performance of the chemical industry.
is now owned by Westlake,
Hexion BV (Westlake’s Epoxy and its composite technology
Business) Receives ISCC+ expertise was recognized by
The Society of Plastic
Certification at its Pernis,
Engineers (SPE) at its Annual Automotive
Netherlands Site Innovation Awards Program in late 2021.
The Netherlands An EPIKOTE epoxy resin system specified by
manufacturing site, which Rassini was recognized by SPE in the Chassis/
is now owned by Westlake Hardware category in the North American division
Corporation, has received and won the “Grand Award” selected among the
International Sustainability & Carbon Plus (ISCC+) winners of all categories. The award highlighted
mass balance certification for its tracing and Rassini’s innovative rear suspension system found
handling of sustainable materials in the production in Ford Motor Company’s new 2021 model of the
of epoxy products. This is a significant step F-150 pickup truck. Rassini selected Hexion’s
towards integrating renewable carbon materials EPIKOTE Resin TRAC 06150 with EPIKURE
into its raw material supply chain, while reducing Curing Agent TRAC 06150 Epoxy resin system
energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. as it enables the robust mass production of the
ISCC+ provides an international, practical, composite helper spring.
transparent system for the certification of bio-
based, bio-circular and circular raw materials
at each level of the supply chain. The ISSC+