P. 59

                                                                                                             LAS VEGAS
                                                                                                            ST. GEORGE

           and Hollow Resort in Hurricane,  There’s one more little bit of fun awaiting  Whether it’s a meal for two, a family

        S Utah, features  27 holes—an  18-hole  guests if they haven’t had enough golf for  gathering for that special occasion, or a
        Championship Course, along with a 9-hole  one day. Check out the  Wee Course. It’s  corporate retreat, the staff will cater to your
        Links course. Designed by John Fought, the  a par 3 course layout with holes ranging  every need.  And if you’re going to play
        Championship Course consistently ranks  from 50 to 120 yards that will test players’  more than one day and need a place to stay,
        among the top resort and public courses in the  shot-making abilities. From bump-and-run  look no further than the  gorgeous  Resort
        country. It’s an inviting destination with enough  shots, to pitch shots, to chip shots, your  property.  From a single-family, 5-bedroom
        challenge and beauty to satisfy any golfer.  short game will get a fun workout here.  home, to a one-bedroom suite, there are
                                            For a relaxing spot after the round, check  rooms for every taste and budget. For the
        On the Championship Course, players will  out the 7,000 square-foot clubhouse. With  ultimate golf getaway, visit Sand Hollow
        find  a  front  nine  that  wanders  seamlessly  seating for 120 indoors, there’s also plenty  Resort, where the desert meets the green.
        through a valley. That sets the stage for a  of room in the covered outdoor areas.
        dramatic back nine that simply has to be
        seen (and played)—to be believed.

        WWW.GOLFINGNEVADAMAGAZINE.COM                                                            2022 GOLFING NEVADA  57
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