P. 60

The Ledges Golf Club

                                   region: Mesquite / St. George |  course type: Public

           he Ledges Golf Club offers a world class  St. George.  Each hole has been carefully  relax and enjoy a refreshing drink at the
        T18-hole championship course surrounded  created to provide a unique golf environment  Player’s Lounge while watching the latest
        by the majestic red and white sandstone  unmatched anywhere else in the world.   sports  on  our  high-definition  flat  screen
        cliffs  of  Snow  Canyon  State  Park.  They                             TVs.  In considering the excellent condition
        offer Stay & Play packages with homes and   With multiple signature holes, The Ledges   of the course, beautiful clubhouse and
        luxury  villas  located  alongside  the  course,   Golf Club has received a variety of awards.     breathtaking views, a round of golf at The
        where the surrounding views and landscapes   Holes 11, 12 and 14 are perched atop the   Ledges becomes a retreat you’ll remember
        are truly among the best in the West.  This   ledge of Snow Canyon, while hole 15   for a lifetime.
        7,200 yard golf course was designed by Matt   offers a stunning island fairway and green.
        Dye and is located only five miles North of   After you complete a round of golf you can

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