P. 64

Oasis Golf Club
                                100 Palmer Lane  |  Mesquite, NV 89027
                                702-346-7820   |
                               Palmer Course                                 Canyons Course
                               18 Holes Par 71  |  6,488 Yards from Back Tees  18 Holes Par 71  |  6,403 Yards from Back Tees

                                                Oasis Golf Club

        he Palmer Course at  the  Oasis Golf Club   Canyon courses. The club is celebrating the   original Vistas-9 which opened for play in 2005
    Toffers golfers emerald green fairways cradled   25-year anniversary of the Palmer Course,   with the Palmer Course.
     in isolated canyons, a box canyon enshrining a   one  of  Arnold  Palmer’s  top  ten  favorite
     lush green, four one-of-a-kind signature holes,   designs. Palmer has said that holes 5, 6   The Oasis Golf Club is home to over 350
     elevated  tees with 125-foot drops and hazards   and 8 are all in his top 18 holes he has ever   members and remains the only 36-hole semi-
     created by nature.                   designed. The 18-hole Canyons course was   private facility in Mesquite, Nevada. Public play
                                          completed in 2005 and incorporates the   can make tee time reservations up to 90-days in
     The  Oasis Golf  Club  features  the  Palmer  and                         advance.

                           Course Details                                  Falcon Ridge Golf Club

                           Designer: Kelby Hughes & Cresent Hardy          1024 Normandy Lane
                                                                           Mesquite, NV 89027
                           18 Holes Par 72  |  6,569 Yards from Back Tees  702-346-6363  |

                                       Falcon Ridge Golf Club

       alcon Ridge is a 6,550 yard, par 71 rolling   inward  nine.  The  golf  course  sits high  on the   and friendly staff. When you think about what
     Flayout with spectacular  elevation  changes,   cliffs of Mesquite and flows through the hills and   you  want  from  your  “home  course”  or  even  a
     numerous water features and high mesa views.   canyons providing one of the most picturesque   course that you travel to, Falcon Ridge satisfies
     Scoring opportunities come fast on the opening   golf  venues in  all  of Mesquite.  Falcon  Ridge   all requirements and becomes an easy must-play
     nine  holes  before  the  course  stretches  out  and   has been a favorite of local and visiting golfers   decision.
     more  strategic  golf shots are  required  on the   because of its fun challenge,  great condition

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