P. 73

                                                                                                             LAS VEGAS

                                    Carson Valley Golf Course                                                VALLEY

                                       region: Carson Valley |  course type: Public

            ince 1965, this charming public 18-  Golf Course provides a great challenge  and lessons, and you can enjoy breakfast
         Shole golf course has been home to  for golfers of all abilities. The course also  and lunch April–October.
         affordable,  friendly  golf.  The  cool  rush  received honors as a Nevada Golf Course
         of the Carson River and natural shade of  of the Year for its outstanding management  This classically designed course is a great
         the century-old cottonwood trees give this  and commitment to growing the game of  challenge  for golfers of all  abilities  and
         course a unique character unlike anywhere  golf, a big honor for this local course.  has a warm, friendly atmosphere that will
         in Northern Nevada.                                                    keep you returning year after year.  The
                                             The  course  offers  practice  facilities  course is conveniently located two miles
         Consistently voted Carson Valley’s favorite  including a shaded driving range, practice  south of Gardnerville off Hwy. 395 and is
         golf course by the locals, Carson  Valley  green, a fully stocked pro shop, club rentals  open year round.

           Course Details                    Property Amenities                 1027 Riverview Dr.
           18 Holes, Par 72                  Golf Shop, Practice Facilities     Gardnerville, NV 89460
           6,020 Yards from Back Tees        Rental Clubs, Bar & Grill
                                             Loyalty Programs, PGA Instruction,
                                             Tournaments, Friendly Staff!

        WWW.GOLFINGNEVADAMAGAZINE.COM                                                            2022 GOLFING NEVADA  71
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