P. 77


        From a quick cup of coffee to a full steak dinner,   Whether  it’s an  omelet  for breakfast,  a fresh   LAS VEGAS
        Carson  Valley Inn Casino has ample dining   specialty sandwich for lunch or a hearty dinner,
        options for you. At CV Steak enjoy exceptional   Katie’s Country Kitchen  has it all. Located   AMENITIES
        value  and  a  comfortable  atmosphere  perfect   on  the  casino  floor  of  the  Carson  Valley  Inn   Golf Packages
        for a special  occasion,  casual  gathering  with   Casino,  Katie’s provides  a  comfortable  and   Sporting Clay Packages
        friends, or a let’s-not-cook tonight escape. The   friendly atmosphere, generous menu selections   Bowling
        menu features a selection of appetizers and a   and value-packed specials.  Try the chicken   Meetings, Banquets, Weddings
        generous range of entrees  including steaks,   fried steak and eggs, the double bacon BLT,
        chops, seafood, chicken,  and pasta dishes.   apple  walnut salad, and roast turkey dinner
        Each  entrée  includes the  CV Steak signature   during your next stay. You will find yourself at   ENTERTAINMENT
        table  side  tossed salad,  sourdough baguette,   this delicious spot more than once! And don’t   TJ’s Corral Outdoor Concert
        creamery  butter,  vegetable,  and  choice  of   forget to stop by the display case for fresh-  Cabaret Lounge
        twice  baked,  baked,  or au  gratin potatoes.   baked cakes, cupcakes, brownies, cookies,
        You will not leave hungry! Also featured are   pies, and other desserts and sweets made daily.
        desserts and after dinner drinks, a generous                                 DINING
        selection  of wine  by the  bottle  and glass, as   Stop by Job’s Perks, located on the first floor   CV Steak
        well as a specialty  martini  menu. Recessed   of  the  hotel,  for  coffee  and  other  beverages.   Katie’s Country Kitchen
        areas above each booth showcase black and   Enjoy  a  full  selection  of  coffee  and  espresso   Job’s Perk Coffeehouse
        white photos that recount the history of Minden   drinks, soft drinks, energy  drinks, smoothies,
        and Gardnerville  and were hand-selected  by   champagne,  and canned  beer.  A variety  of
        architect  and designer Larry Henry for their   fresh-baked pastries, Grab ‘n’ Go sandwiches   1627 Hwy 395 N
        historic significance. The photos are a perfect   and salads, fresh fruit assorted cheeses, hot   Minden, NV 89423
        complement to the Arts and Crafts motif that   dogs, chili, clam chowder, snacks, ice cream,   775-782-9711
        ties all elements of Carson Valley Inn Casino   and candy are also available.
        together, and ambient lighting creates a feeling                   
        of intimacy.

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