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Carson Valley Inn Casino

            iscover  a  charming  Nevada  hotel  at   packages assure a fun visit filled with scenic   meeting, wedding, shower, party, celebration,
        Dthe  popular  Carson  Valley  Inn Casino   golf, fabulous food, live  entertainment,  and   or retreat.  An experienced  professional  team
        located  in Minden. Conveniently located   plenty of casino action. One call to the resort   with impeccable  service will bring creative
        near  Reno, Carson City, scenic  Lake  Tahoe   will  do  it  all—tee  time  arrangements,  hotel   solutions to assist you in creating a seamless
        and Sacramento, the resort offers a wealth of   rooms, group functions, and all other details.   event.  Choose from a variety of unique venues
        activities  within driving range.  There  are 12   You just need to show up!  which  can  be  configured  to  accommodate
        golf courses nearby  as well  as world-class                             all  event types.    Just a  short  distance  from
        snowbird activities.  The views are stunning,   The  Carson  Valley  Inn  offers  convenient   Reno, Carson City, scenic  Lake  Tahoe and
        with clear skies most of the year!  dining for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at   Sacramento,  and access to a convenient  full-
                                            Katie’s Country  Kitchen  and exceptional   scale airport, this location  is hard to beat.
        Relax in one of 149 remodeled  hotel rooms   values for dinner in CV Steak, a Nevada-style   Whether your group is small and intimate or
        including 10 suites and 38 deluxe rooms. The   steakhouse. Job’s Perk provides early-morning   300 guests, space will  be  customized  for the
        74-room Motor Lodge offers park-at-your door   coffee plus snacks, baked goods and beverages   perfect setting and agenda.
        convenience. The adjacent Carson Valley RV   throughout the day. Casino activities include
        Resort  has 59 sites with  shower rooms, pet   a generous selection of table games, slots,   From reliable Wi-Fi services to private dinners
        area, full hook-ups and a laundry facility. All   sports and race book, poker room, free live   and full catering,  every detail  is treated  as
        Carson Valley Inn guests enjoy free Wi-Fi, a   entertainment nightly in the Cabaret Lounge,   important. Book a private dinner at CV Steak
        business center, and indoor pool area that also   and more.  The casino-bar area and Cabaret   for up to 18. And for a full retreat, don’t forget
        boasts two glass-enclosed hot spas and a fitness   Lounge have over three dozen HDTVs   the 149 newly remodeled  rooms including
        center room, both with mountain views.  including all TV sports packages.  11 suites.  The views of the mountains are
                                                                                 spectacular and with 12 golf courses nearby as
        With  12 golf  courses nearby, Carson  Valley   When it comes to private events and weddings,   well as world-class skiing, there is something
        Inn Casino sees their  fair  share  of travelling   Carson  Valley  Inn Casino has it  all.  With   for everyone.
        golfers. With the Eastern Sierra Nevada range   multiple venue options and exceptional cuisine,
        as a glorious backdrop, the Carson Valley Inn   your event will be amazing. The resort boasts   Idyllic  setting,  impeccable  service, delicious
        Casino and nearby golf courses deliver a setting   over 5,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor   food, and onsite accommodations make Carson
        rich with colorful Nevada heritage. Resort golf   meeting  and  event  space  to host your next   Valley Inn Casino the perfect choice.

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