P. 80
Coyote Moon Golf Course
region: Tahoe | course type: Public
t’s been said time and time again that the course with great rates,” said Ed McGargill, Best in Golf Travel awarded Coyote Moon
Iallure to Coyote Moon Golf Course is not Coyote Moon’s PGA General Manager. the highest rating of all courses in the Tahoe
only its “challenging, yet fair greens,” but Known also for top-notch service and a region. Golf Odyssey is dedicated to honest
its preserved natural surroundings with not relaxed playing environment, the course and unbiased evaluations; editors travel
a single home in sight. For those golfers plays 7,177 yards from the tips. This Brad anonymously to golf destinations around the
looking to forget the view of their neighbors’ Bell designed 18-hole course is nationally world. Coyote Moon was also named among
homes and cars backed up on the freeway, ranked year after year as one of the top the Top 10 Most Underrated Golf Courses in
Coyote Moon is THE mountain golf course courses in the Western United States. In the U.S. by
to make you forget. 2018, Golfweek ranked Coyote Moon the
16th Best Course in California. To add to the Coyote Moon is located three miles west of
“Coyote Moon should be on any golfers play year’s recognitions, the April 2011 edition downtown Truckee and 40 minutes west of
list this year, if you’re looking for a great of Golf Odyssey: The Insider’s Guide to the Reno off Interstate 80.