P. 82

Edgewood Tahoe Resort

                                     region: South Lake Tahoe |  course type: Public

            esigned by George Fazio and  Each year, this star-studded event features  shores of South Lake  Tahoe, the Lodge
        Dopened in 1968, Edgewood  Tahoe  some of the biggest names in sports,  at Edgewood Tahoe boasts 154 luxurious
        Resort is rated by Golf Digest Magazine  entertainment and politics. A favorite on the  rooms and suites, each with its own gas
        as one of “America’s Top Golf Courses.”  celebrity circuit, this tournament regularly  fireplace, deck or terrace, soaking tub, and
        Challenging yet fair, this course offers a  features such big names as Steph Curry,  walk-in shower. Enjoy stunning views of
        choice of four sets of tees, ranging in  Justin  Timberlake,  Aaron Rodgers, Matt  the  lake  and  surrounding  mountains,  all
        length from 5,567 yards to a demanding  Ryan, John Smoltz, John Elway, Charles  from  the comforts of your own private
        7,529, providing a suitable test for  Barkeley, Bode Miller, Jim McMahon,  paradise.  A variety  of dining options
        golfers of all skill levels.        and Ray Romano. Sponsored by American  are available—the  Bistro Edgewood,
                                            Century Investments and featured on NBC  Edgewood Restaurant, and Brooks’ Bar &
        Throughout its storied history, Edgewood  annually, the Celebrity Golf Championship  Deck. Within the new lodge, nestled in a
        Tahoe has played host to a variety  is an event for the entire family.   private and expansive area of the second
        of major golf events. Most notably,                                      floor, is the Spa at Edgewood Tahoe. This
        Edgewood Tahoe has been the home of  Thanks to a recent  expansion in 2017,  8,500  square-foot  space  offers  guests
        the  American Century Championship  Edgewood  Tahoe is home to an award-  uninterrupted serenity amongst a peaceful
        since 1990.                         winning  luxury Lodge.  Nestled on the  and inviting atmosphere.

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