Page 74 - Oregon Golf & Travel Guide 2022
P. 74

Indian Creek Golf Course

                                       region: Portland Area  |  course type: Public

            omfortably   situated   within   the  of  three  creeks  (the  facility’s  namesake)  versed in the latest trends in golf equipment
        Cpicturesque Hood River Valley, and just  meandering through the property, a casual  and instruction – the facility’s full service
        50 miles east of downtown Portland, Indian  round of golf can be a test for even the  driving range and practice green is an ideal
        Creek Golf Course offers some of the most  most seasoned players.  Most of the par 4’s  location to work on one’s game. In addition,
        spectacular views in the state.  Nestled near  require accuracy off the tee, and offer a good  the Divots Restaurant at Indian Creek offers
        the  base  of  the  state’s  most  iconic  peak,  mix of short and middle irons on approach  lunch, happy hour, and dinner options, and
        Mt.  Hood,  its  consistent  commitment  to  shots.  For longer hitters, the par 5’s may  unmatched  vistas  of  the  Columbia  River
        outstanding course conditions and friendly  be reachable in two, but the real challenge  Gorge  from  its  spacious  covered  patio.
        service  make  even  a  casual  round  an  at Indian Creek comes from its varied par  Its service and comprehensive menu have
        unforgettable experience.           3’s, most of which require a combination of  made  the  dining  establishment  a  favorite
                                            length and accuracy for success from tee to  to locals, as well as to those looking for an
        Opened in 1989, and welcoming golfers of   green. Seasonal winds may come into play  idyllic valley location to host a special event
        all ages and abilities, the course stretches to   at times, so be sure to double check your  or  occasion.  In  addition,  a  new  Pavilion
        a reasonable 6,257 yards from the back tees.   club selection!           was completed in 2020 that provides Indian
        With  a  varied  mix  of  elevation  changes,                            Creek with a fantastic spot to host after-golf
        smart bunker placement, and the challenge  Indian  Creek’s  professional  staff  is  well   gatherings and other events.

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