Page 76 - Oregon Golf & Travel Guide 2022
P. 76

Where to Stay

                                  Silvies Valley Ranch

        Story by Lynn Leissler
             hen you want to get away, a ranch  with rolling hills, forest and meadows, as  Lodging
        Wresort  just  might  be  the  ticket,  well  as  creeks,  wetlands  and  the  Silvies
        and  Silvies  Valley  Ranch  is  the  perfect  River. The views from the golf course, The  Eighteen Ranch House rooms are available.
        destination. Lying east of Bend and north  Lodge (its lounge has a window wall), and  The  spacious  rooms  have  single  and
        of  Burns  in  Central  Oregon,  it’s  about  a  other places on the ranch are breathtaking.  double/king  rooms,  each  with  Western
        half-day  drive  from  Portland,  Eugene,  Whether  golfing,  exploring,  or  engaging  motif and ranch art, leather furniture, and
        or Medford, and a little less from Boise.  in  other  activities,  you  are  likely  to  see  a rain shower. Each room also has its own
        Silvies is an operating ranch with around  grazing antelope, deer, osprey, eagles, and  entry—or exit to the golf course, the spa, or
        4,500  head  of  cattle  and  3,000  goats,  various other wildlife.     any number of other adventures.
        horses, cowboys, and ranch hands. Golf is
        one reason to head to the ranch, with six   Silvies  Valley  Ranch  has  something  Silvies Valley Ranch also has 8 Lakeside
        new,  award-winning  courses.  But  there   for  everyone—young  or  old,  family  or  Log  Cabins,  and  3  new  Sunrise  Buddy
        are myriad other opportunities to recreate   friends, business associates will enjoy this  Cabins  are  opening  June  1.  Each  Buddy
        and  relax  year  round  on  140,000  acres   getaway.                   Cabin  has  four  king  suites  and  a  large

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