Page 77 - Oregon Golf & Travel Guide 2022
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Where to Stay LODGING
common living area. The Rendezvous The Posse’s Den (for private dining), landscaping, plus a view you have to see
Coach and RV Park offers excellent Egan’s Hideout, The Patio (for snacks to appreciate.
amenities and a shuttle service to The and sweets), boxed lunches, picnics, and
Retreat, Lodge, and activities. an authentic chuck wagon. Package deals are available such as:
Wilderness Adventure, a Wellness
Once settled, you will want to learn Meat served at Silvies Valley Ranch Weekend, Winter All-Inclusive, All-
about the various opportunities during is their own, grass-finished beef and Inclusive/All-season Luxury Golf,
your stay—there are a lot—and plan your chevon (goat meat). Heritage Beef is Couple’s Overnight, and Retreats. Silvies
time. Many arrangements can be made their special line, cattle developed from Valley Ranch is the perfect setting for a
online when you make your reservation. It old lines and fattened naturally on grass, wedding, with its views and amenities.
would be a shame for your visit to end and clover, and wildflowers. And of course, Your guests will enjoy your Big Day,
you hadn’t done everything you wanted. no hormones, artificial additives, or as well as the added ranch attractions. It
antibiotics are used. is also ideal for business meetings and
Spa Amenities conferences with two- three- and four-
The American Range Goats at the ranch day packages.
Whether you want to relax and be are efficient harvesters of brushy forage
pampered or exercise, The Rocking Heart that left, can contribute to wildfires and Check the website for more information,
Spa is there for you with a 1/2-size Olympic degraded watersheds. package deals, reservations, and to be put
lap pool, saunas, hot tubs, and a climbing on their email list. Be sure and view the
wall. Other treatments include body and At The Lodge, guests enjoy meals at photo gallery for some sneak previews of
foot massages, facials, manis/pedis, skin the Ranch Table, meeting other guests what’s in store for your visit. Then pack
and nail treatments, and more. We’re all and ranch hands. The breakfast menu your bags and get ready for a marvelous
worth those extra touches that make a visit has various meat and egg combinations, adventure!
to the ranch even more special. featuring the ranch’s own beef, bacon,
sausage, and ham, as well as sourdough
Outdoor Activities toast and pancakes house made from a
100-year-old family starter. And if your
If you want to put on your walking sweet tooth kicks in early in the day,
shoes or hiking boots, there are 50 miles try Uncle Jeff’s Sourdough Cinnamon
of trails to explore. Be sure and have a Roll—ranch made and weighing about
camera or your phone handy, for the a pound and including all the cream
photo opps are abundant. Some folks cheese icing and whipped butter you can
might want to take an Indian cave tour or eat. (You might want to play golf or hike
a Razor Ranch eco-tour. afterward!)
Or, you might want to ride horses, The lunch menu offers burgers,
which are fed on specially grown hay in sandwiches, soup, or salad. Dinner
the region’s ideal conditions, basically entrees include steak and sausage (from
making it health food for horses. their own beef), and trout (you may catch
Maybe fishing is your thing, or biking, your own if you wish). Finish the meal
or shooting. To experience ranch life, with cake, pie, or ice cream treats. Guests
guests may witness cattle roundups and may sample over 110 different scotches
goat herding. Young or old, you will and 50 other whiskeys, and select from
want to sign on for a wagon ride in an extensive wine list.
spring, summer or fall. In winter, there is
sledding, snowshoeing, ice fishing, cool Real Estate
golf (think snow, not green grass), and
snow bikes. And don’t forget to consider If you love Silvies Valley Ranch so
a sleigh ride. much you want to return again and
again, you might consider purchasing a
Dining vacation cabin. The cabins fit the ranch’s
commitment to being environmentally
Whether you relax at the spa or take in friendly, operating with solar, a greywater
outdoor activities, you’ll need to eat, and system, and utilizing sustainable
the ranch has much to offer—The Lodge, materials and native plant natural OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2022 75