Page 58 - LVG&L Magazine Summer 2020
P. 58


        Eagle Valley Golf Club

        Vehicle trails range from dirt roads to rocky washes and   (managed by Duncan Golf) and the facility sits in the foot-
        steep climbs. More adventure can be found in the sky with   hills of Carson City. According to Eagle Valley officials,
        adrenaline-pumping skydiving or more serene hot air bal-  “the Eagle Valley East course features a user-friendly lay-
        looning or soaring. Head to the water for excellent fishing,   out, great for both walking and riding, while Eagle Valley
        swimming, or boat rentals. In the winter, there’s no better   West is a desert links-style course that challenges the best
        place to start your day of skiing, boarding or a variety of   of golfers.”
        other snow sports in the Sierra Nevada than the Carson   The par 71, 6,564-yard Silver Oak is nestled against the high
        Valley.”                                               desert hillside and features “dramatic elevation changes on
        Carson City is Nevada’s capital and golf is always in session.   the opening nine holes that produce amazing views” and
        Empire Ranch Golf Club, Silver Oak Golf Club, and Eagle   throughout the year, wildlife is abundant as the course and
        Valley Golf Club are three to highlight on the agenda. The   nature  come  together.  The  course  offers  five  sets  of  tees
        par 72, 6,763-yard Empire Ranch is 27 holes and features a   and is nestled against the high desert hillside, where dra-
        full practice complex, teaching facility, and fully staffed pro   matic elevation changes on the opening nine holes produce
        shop. The course is located along the Carson River and is   unparalleled scenic views of the valley.
        sheltered between the bluffs on 250 acres of historic ranch   “Each of the different golf towns and communities through-
        land, known as “The Ranch.” Lush fairways wandering    out the Tahoe/Reno region have a different and unique feel
        through environmentally protected wetlands will challenge   to them, and I think that is what makes staying and playing
        the low-handicapper, but at the same time, play fairly for the   here so special,” says Phil “Dinger” Weidinger, a longtime
        higher handicapper.                                    golf public relations official in the area. “The whole area is a

        There are two courses—the east and west--at Eagle Valley   must play and visit for any golfer.”

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