Page 18 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2021
P. 18

fall 2021 | editor’s note

                                                                  You might recognize some locals featured in Neck of the Woods. There’s an in-depth article
                                                                  about Brian McLamore, CEO of Pacific Retirement Services. We cover the industry leader,
                           s we approach the end of the year and the coming holidays,   Grown Rogue, bringing jobs and order to a fairly new job sector. And we visit Dunn Ranch,
                        Awe hope we inspire you to shop local. The financial effect of   an old concept made new again.
                        money spent locally is far more impactful than you may realize. In
                        these trying times, it’s more important than ever to support our   We hope you enjoy the Tom Glassman fine art photography art featured and that you get a
                        neighbors, which in turn strengthens our community.  chance to see in person the fantastic show at Grants Pass Museum of Art. Speaking of Art,
                                                                  we cover some amazing artists in our Feature Article, Passion Projects: When What You Love
                        We make it easy for you to be inspired with an issue full of   Becomes Your Career.
      Heidi Chackel, Editor
                        pages packed with great ideas on where to shop. The expanded
                        Boutique on page 38 is full of local gifts. Buying local wine for   In the cozy fall season, we tend to spend more time indoors. Our articles about Ron E.
        gifts or entertaining is also a great idea. You’ll find delicious treats for gifts and hosting at the   Meadows Construction, and our always inspiring Design Column by Krissy Millner, are
        Medford Food Co-op, Market of Choice, Ray’s Food Place and Harry & David.   sure to give you inspiration to spruce up your home. Speaking of cozy, there’s nothing like a
                                                                  good mug of delicious coffee to warm your hands on a cold day. Check out your neighbors,
        Spending more time indoors, who couldn’t use something new for a home? Shop La-Z-Boy   GoodBean Coffee, a Rogue Valley staple going on 30 years! And by all means, please check
        and Terra Firma Home. Check out YALA Design for cozy bamboo bedding, lounge   out Osteria La Briccola in Ashland for some hearty and delicious Northern Italian Fare. Top
        wear, and more. A gift card from Renew Medical Spa would make any mom or dad happy   it off with a vintage from Catalyst Wine Collective and you’ll definitely be making the most
        (guys like to take care of themselves too!). For a classic holiday outing, have fun shopping the   of the season!
        many stores at The Village Medford Center. Make some memories with a gift of travel
        or staycation with Book Stay Hop, Running Y Resort, Resort at Eagle Point Golf   For those who go above and beyond, we hope you consider donating directly to CASA.
        Course, McCully House Inn, Neuman Hotels, or Seven Feathers Resort. And, of   Though we were unable to hold the Medford BMW Southern Oregon Classic this
        course, don’t forget dinner out on the town. The entire Chow section is packed with deli-  summer, the need is even greater.
        cious inspiration, including the restaurant guide for a quick list of the best choices around!
                                                                  Thank you for making us a part of your Rogue Valley life and cheers to the coming new year!
        Thrill the golfer in your life with rounds of golf or shop the pro shops at Centennial Golf
        Course, Eagle Point Golf Course, or Running Y. For the outdoorsy, visit Mountain
        Provisions or bring the outdoors in with some beautiful plants from Bestow & Bloom
        in Ashland.                                               Heidi

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    16 | fall 2021
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