Page 22 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2021
P. 22

buzz | tidbits
                                                                              BOOK PICKS
                                                                              B  O   O   K   P  I CK    S

                                              s fall leans toward winter, we offer several book options covering topics from post-WWII
                                          AEngland (fiction), to the Rogue Valley’s smoke-filled summers (fiction), to Jackson County’s
                                          lost towns (non-fiction), to Highway 99 seen through postcards (non-fiction). Pour a glass or a cup,
                                          then sit back and enjoy!

                                             ABANDONED JACKSON                        A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF

                                           COUNTY-TOWNS LOST TO                       HIGHWAY 99: THE SCENIC
                                                         TIME                                    ROUTE—

                                                  BY MARGARET LAPLANTE                REDDING, CALIFORNIA TO
                                                                                         PORTLAND, OREGON

                                                              ackson    County             BY CAROLE MACROBERT STEELE
                                                            Jsprang to life when
                                                            gold was discovered in
                                                            the early 1850s, and
                                                            seemingly overnight,      panning from the early 1900s through the
                                                            towns began to appear.  S1960s, this nostalgic ride through Northern
                                                            But  when the  last of   California and Oregon is one of the most highly
                                                            the gold disappeared,   visual  histories written on U.S. Highway 99.
                                                            some towns were         Vintage postcard images depict how the crudely
             LOCAL GOLFER                                   abandoned. Long gone    constructed Pacific Highway transitioned into
                                                                                    the modern and paved U.S. Highway 99, only to
                                                            are the  stagecoaches,
            SECURES HIS PGA               post offices, shops, saloons, quaint churches,   be mostly abandoned when the new interstate
                                          and one-room schoolhouses. Today, all  that
                                                                                    opened. Traversing myriad landscapes, Highway
        AWARDS  DYLAN WU                  is an abandoned cemetery, long overgrown   cities, past  towering pines and  snow-capped
               TOUR CARD
                                          remains of some of these once bustling towns
                                                                                    99 meanders through quaint towns and  big
                                          with weeds. For others there is just a sign, yet
                                                                                    mountains as mighty rivers gush through steep
                                                                                    rugged  canyons toward the  fertile valleys of
                                          for others, there’s nothing left to show that
                                          families once lived and worked there. Four
                                                                                    Oregon. Adding to the grandeur of this scenic
                n July 25, 25-year-
                                          are under lakes. One of the lost towns was
                                                                                    route are iconic landmarks such as Mt. Shasta,
           Oold Medford native,
            Dylan Wu secured  his first
                                          during World War  II. Others changed  their
                                                                                    doned stretches of the old highway reveal the
                                                                                    hauntingly sad remains of deserted motels, gas
                                          names, sometimes more than once.
            Korn Ferry  Tour title at     taken over by the United States government   Mt. McLoughlin, and Mt. Hood. Mostly aban-
            the Price Cutter Charity                                                stations, and tourist spots, their images lovingly
            Championship presented  by    Take a step back in time and enjoy the stories   preserved. You will learn about travelers turn-
            Dr Pepper.  With the win,     and photographs of towns such as Antelope,   ing from tent camping to cozy motels, and why
        Wu moved up to No. 14 on the      Antioch, Uniontown, Steamboat, Log Town,   Mom & Pop roadside businesses became a big
        Korn Ferry Tour Points List and   Copper, Laurelhurst, McLeod, Kanaka Flats,   part of the landscape. The book contains more
        secured his first PGA TOUR card   Brownsboro, Missouri Flat, Sterlingville,   than 600 rare images.
        for 2021-22.                      Buncom,  Table Rock City, Gasburg,
                                          Dardanelles,  Beagle, Woodville, Watkins,   Fond childhood memories  of road trips from
        The win came  a  month  after     Tolo, and Rock Point. The book includes 140   California to Oregon motivated Steele to write
        switching caddies to his younger   historic photographs, many from a private   this history. The images are from her vast per-
        brother, Jeremy  Wu. Since  the   collection, many never seen before.       sonal collection, from forty years of collecting
        change, Dylan  has  finished top-                                           and selling antique scenic postcards. She has also
        25 in three out of four events,   Abandoned Jackson County-Towns Lost to Time is   written Pictorial History of Mono Hot Springs,
        including this victory. Earlier   available at America Through Time, Amazon,   California and Phoebe's House: A Hearst Legacy.
        in the year, Wu competed in his   and local bookstores.
        first major, the 2021 U.S. Open,                                            Available at local booksellers and online sites.
        where he finished T31.  

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