Page 25 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2021
P. 25

                                                    A FAREWELL AT BRITT
                                                  PRESIDENT & CEO DONNA BRIGGS RETIRES

              onna Briggs, President and CEO of Britt Music and Arts Festival   grateful to everyone for all that we accomplished together over the
          Dwill retire on December 31, 2021. Former Board Chair, Mike   years. From the hiring of our brilliant Music Director, Teddy Abrams,
          Burrill Jr., says, “Briggs started with Britt while it was facing substan-  to the implementation of a successful business model, to the numerous
          tial fiscal challenges from the economic downturn in 2010. She helped   capital projects, and the recent trials of managing COVID-19; these
          develop a new business model to lead us into the future. For the next   were achievements that required a committed group of gifted, tena-
          decade, she followed that plan and Britt is now stronger than ever   cious individuals who came together to work relentlessly for our com-
          because of it.”                                           mon vision. I am also very proud of our robust year-round education
                                                                    programs. Lastly, I am grateful to my husband, John, and my children
          Those who serve with Briggs laud her understanding of the power   and grandchildren who stood by my side no matter what challenges
          of music, her fundraising skills and implementation of critical capital   we faced.”
          improvement projects, making  Britt a stronger, more inclusive and
          dynamic arts non-profit. “Simply put, Donna has ensured Britt’s sur-  Britt Music and Arts Festival will retain Briggs post-retirement to pro-
          vival. Thanks to her, we will continue bringing the magic of music to   vide consulting services as needed up to twelve months immediately
          Southern Oregon for many years to come,” says Dominic Campanella,   following her last day of employment.
          current Board Chair.
                                                                    A national search is underway for Donna Briggs’ replacement.
          After eleven years with Britt, ten as President and CEO, Briggs says,
          “It has been my great privilege to work with an exceptionally dedi-
          cated and skilled team of staff, board and volunteers. I am exceedingly

                  �ike most other services provided by   �owever, medical lasers are not cheap. In 2015,
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               of a need in the community. People working   on the challenge and began performing free
              with at-risk had known for sometime that “bad  tattoo removal for this population. To date over
               ink” was a persistent barrier to youth getting   140 youth have had their tattoos removed under
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                family unit. Due to the advancement in   removal, but also treat toenail fungus, remove

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