Page 29 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2021
P. 29

C  O   M   MU      NI   T  Y

                     GRANGE CO-OP DONATES

                        TO KLAMATH COUNTY

                      BOOTLEG FIRE VICTIMS

                       range Co-op joins forces with the commu-
                   Gnity in donating over $23,000 in cash and
                   supplies to Klamath County ranchers. The dev-
                   astation from Klamath's Bootleg Fire continues
                   to affect many ranchers with over 10,000 head
                   of cattle displaced and thousands of pasture acres
                   unsalvageable for this season. In late July, Oregon
                   Grange Co-op retail stores began offering cus-
                   tomers the opportunity to round up their trans-
                   actions and donate funds to assist the cattlemen
                   devastated  by the  fire. Grange Co-op pledged
                   a partial match, and the goal  was met in just
                   three weeks. Totaling over $10,000 cash dona-
                   tion, Grange Co-op also partnered with Purina
                   Animal Nutrition to donate four tons of Purina
                   cattle feed and four tons of Purina protein tubs to
                   the Klamath Cattlemen’s Association. The Co-op
                   also donated one ton of its private label, Rogue
                   All-Pro Textured feed, totaling over $13,000 in
                   feed and mineral donations.

                   Grange Co-op extends its deepest sympathies to
                   those who have been impacted by this tragic wild-
                   fire. They thank those who have donated to this
                   initiative, along with Purina Animal Nutrition for
                   its generosity.


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