Page 34 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2021
P. 34

buzz | tidbits
                                                                                WHAT’S NEW
                                                                                                S N
               NEW LICENSE PLATE FOR OREGON                       through a partnership with, a learning and marketplace
                                                                  destination for sustainable transportation. In addition, the Northwest
                   OREGON CULTURAL TRUST                          Film Center at Portland Art Museum will install a 38-foot outdoor ban-
                                                                  ner. “The new design reflects and respects the diversity of our culture
                                                                  at a time we need it most,” says Cultural Trust Board Chair Niki Price.
                                                                  “Cultural expression is how our communities define themselves—their
                                                                  everyday lives, their traditions, their heritage, their creativity, their cel-
                                                                  ebrations, their values, and how they connect with one another. Our
                                                                  culture is the glue that can bind us together as Oregonians.”

                                                                  “Oregonians value sustainability and embrace green energy,” said Tina
                                                                  Miller, Chief Financial Officer of Lithia Motors and GreenCars spokes-
                                                                  person. “Our partnership with the Oregon Cultural Trust, and sponsor-
                                                                  ship of these magnificent murals, is our way of bringing this important
                                                                  part of Oregon culture into the picture.”

            new license plate design celebrating Oregon and its cultural diver-  The artwork is a vibrant tapestry of Oregon geography into which are
        A sity debuted October 1, in recognition of the Oregon Cultural   woven 127 symbols that represent different aspects of our collective
        Trust’s 20th Anniversary.                                 arts, heritage, history, and cultural practices, the result of a year-long,
                                                                  inclusive process that began with a group of statewide nominators shar-
        The artwork, created by Liza Burns of Eugene, will be installed as full-  ing the creative brief with artists and designers. Thirty-six artists sub-
        scale murals at the Eugene, Medford, Portland, and Redmond airports   mitted statements of interest and work samples that were evaluated by a

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                                                                          Choose Your Lodging Style:
                                                                   Historic landmark Ashland Springs Hotel
                                                                  Mineral springs oasis Lithia Springs Resort

                                                                  Retro-modern Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites

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