Page 30 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2021
P. 30

Visit us in jacksonville!

                                                                     now located on the bk crossing campus

                                                                                                             hueners lane

                                                                                           keegan house rd.
                                                                        blackstone alley
                                                                                                        515 bigham knoll drive
                                                                              hueners lane
          enjoy wines safely in the open air of                                                                     g st.

          our patio in our secret wine garden!
                                                                     e ast e st.                             SCHOOLHAUS BREWHAUS
            We proudly offer flights and the largest selection of local wines in the area.     park anywhere in lot
          Let us recommend a wine to fall in love with or grab a bottle of your local favorite.  238  follow the signage to your favorite little wine bar!

                      drinking safely at home?                         your southern oregon wine tasting
                      no problem!                                     experience starts at the rogue grape!
                      We offer curbside pickup or feel free to pick up from our shop.
                      Porch delivery within Jackson County for orders of 3+ bottles!
                                                                            515 Bigham Knoll Dr, Jacksonville, Oregon 97530
         browse our wine list & order online!                                      Phone: 541.842.8416 | |                 @theroguegrape

                                                                                              E  V  EN    T  S


                                                                                             ith over 70 acres  of  grapes thriving
                                                                                       Win the shallow clay soils at the base
                                                                                       of  Medford’s Roxy  Ann Peak in Medford,
                                                                                       RoxyAnn Winery celebrates its 20-year tradi-
                                                                                       tion of preserving the family-owned vineyard
                                                                                       and winery. According to Chad Day, fourth-
                                                                                       generation owner, they believe that great
                                                                                       wine starts with quality of care, an uncompro-
                                                                                       mising approach to nurture the staff, the vine-
                                                                                       yard, and the facility. As a result, “RoxyAnn
                                                                                       grapes become our beloved RoxyAnn wines,
                                                                                       and sustainable farming practices paired with
                                                                                       state-of-the-art production facilities yield the
                                                                                       best fruit and superior wines.” Their vision,
                                                                                       their fine  wine, and their unwavering com-
                                                                                       mitment to family and community, fulfill the
                                                                                       vision started in 2001 by the founder Jack Day.

                                                                                       Armed with a Harvard MBA and an artisan
                                                                                       farmer’s vision, Jack Day saw the potential of

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