Page 61 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
P. 61
Centennial Golf Club SOUTHERN
region: Southern | course type: Public
he best of Southern Oregon golf is on (Rose tees) to over 7,300 yards (Black tees), bunkers surrounding a narrow green to find
Tdisplay at Centennial Golf Club, opened offering players of all abilities a fair test of the putting surface.
in 2006 to rave reviews by players and golf golf. To many, the 452-yard par-4 3rd is
publications alike. Located in Medford, regarded as the facility’s signature hole. Well- In addition to great golf, Centennial has
the course was designed by two-time PGA bunkered and playing uphill to a challenging also become a popular regional location
TOUR winner, and native Oregonian, John green complex, the hole is one of the most for weddings and events. With full-service
Fought. Centennial Golf Club is a traditional difficult tests in the region. As golfers head amenities, including catering and multiple
links-style layout, with rolling hills offering to the back nine the drivable 13th hole, 306 venue options, the ideal weather that often
scenic views and capturing vistas of the yard par-4, is an ideal risk/reward test for blesses the Rogue Valley year round make a
surrounding mountains in all directions. players daring enough to go for it off the tee. destination to Centennial Golf Club definitely
Requiring a carry over a pond in front of the worth the trip.
Total course yardage ranges from 5,244 yards tee-box, golfers must elude well-positioned OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2021 59